Computer Forensics | Beginner Guide To Computer Forensics Reports

Forensic Reports | System and Cyber Security

Mausam Singh
4 min readNov 27, 2020

Forensics reports are only state findings.

If they draw conclusions, than they are expert testimony.

Expert Report

  • A report that offers as opinion is an expert report.
  • Writer of the report needs to qualify as an expert.
  • An expert report used in court has additional requirements.
  • Expert’s expertise and trustworthiness are on trial, too.

âś… Fundamental Decision: Daubert

  • Juries decides on “matters of fact”, not on “matters of law”
  • What is placed before a jury is tightly regulated

👉 Rules of Evidence.

👉 Most testimony is limited to relaying sensory experiences, interpreted by the jury according to common sense.

👉 Experts provide insight that common sense does not offer.

  • An expert offers an opinion by applying the expert’s specific knowledge to the specific circumstances of the case.
  • An export can also testify to general scientific or technical principles and leave their application to the jury.
  • engineers’ opinions on whether a product’s poor design renders it needlessly unsafe;
  • accountants’ opinions on whether someone has followed prudent accounting practices;
  • physicians’ opinions on whether some particular bodily insult was the cause of someone’s medical condition;
  • economists’ opinions on whether a firm possesses monopoly power; statisticians’ opinions on whether a firm’s employment decisions correlate closely with race or gender;
  • forensic opinions on matches between samples of DNA, blood, hair, etc.;
  • appraisers’ estimates of the value of specific property.
  • Expert testimony potentially misleading.

âś… Frye test (1929):

👉 scientific evidence is admissible only if the principles on which it is based have gained “general acceptance” in the scientific community.

âś… Federal Rules of Evidence (1973):

👉 If scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue, a witness qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education, may testify thereto in the form of an opinion or otherwise.

👉 Does not mention general acceptance.

âś… Daubert (1993):

👉 Rule 702 does not supplant Frye

👉 No definite checklist or test

👉 Pertinent factors:

➡️ whether the theories and techniques employed by the scientific expert have been tested;

➡️ whether they have been subjected to peer review and publication;

➡️ whether the techniques employed by the expert have a known error rate;

➡️ whether they are subject to standards governing their application;

➡️ whether the theories and techniques employed by the expert enjoy widespread acceptance

Testifying as a Forensic Expert

  • Title helps.
  • Experience helps.
  • Reputation is essential.

🚏 Never get caught lying.

🚏 If you inhale, admit it, or refuse to tell.

Forensic Reports

  • Used for legal proceedings and for incidence response.
  • Findings.

âž– Why was the evidence reviewed?

âž– How was the evidence reviewed?

âž– How did the forensic examiner arrive at conclusions?

  • Conclusions are

✌️ Clearly explained.

✌️ Supported.

✌️ Possibly lead to recommendations.

  • Accurately describe the details of an incident.
  • Be understandable to decision makers.
  • Be able to withstand legal scrutiny.
  • Be unambiguous and not open to misinterpretation.
  • Be easily referenced (Bates numbering)
  • Contains all information required to explain the conclusions
  • Offer valid conclusions, opinions, or recommendations when needed.
  • Be created in a timely manner.
  • Document investigative steps immediately and clearly.

— ▶️ Written notes during an investigation might be discoverable.

— ▶️ Notes need to be clear.

— ▶️ Missteps in the investigation need to be documented.

  • Keep the goals of your analysis in mind.
  • Organization of Report

a. Macro to Micro

b. Template

c. Good style:

— ▶️ Use consistent identifiers

— ▶️ Attachments and Appendices

— ▶️ Proofread by others

  • Organization of Report

âž– Use crypt. secure hash to verify all files.

âž– Include metadata in report.

Computer Forensics Report Template

  • Executive Summary

âž– Author, investigators, examiners

âž– Why was the investigation undertaken?

âž– List significant findings.

Include signatures of examiners

  • Objectives

âž– Tasks of the investigation

  • Computer Evidence Analyzed

âž– Detailed description of evidence

âž– Linked with evidence tags.

âž– If possible, with digital imagery of evidence

  • Relevant Findings
  • Supporting Details
  • Investigative Leads
  • Additional Report Sections



Mausam Singh
Mausam Singh

Written by Mausam Singh

Aspiring Product Manager | Android Developer | Ex-SDE at Meesho | I believe in writing for self reflection and reading for self development.

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