Masai School
My Journey | Online Coding Bootcamp| Masai
My Journey in Masai School Coding Bootcamp
I know a lot of you have so many doubts about Masai School.
Don’t worry !!
You are in right place to clear your doubts and know more about Masai School.
- Whether I should Join?
- What they will teach in just six months?
- Is it true that students are getting more than 5 LPA?
- How is this different from other online program or bootcamp?
- Are teacher, mentor and IA qualified?
- Can I access the course material and assignments after graduating from Masai School?
- How many people have completed the course and currently, where are they working?
- Can I talk with past students/Masai Alumni?
- Will Masai School help me in my career?
To clear the above points, I will give the highlighted points taught during the day, a summary at the end, and my personal view about each day.
“Okay, Wait.” I know this is a long article but It meant to be longer than a normal article for a reason. Before joining Masai School, I have searched about Masai School on various platforms and was not sure whether it is good for me? I had taken more than a week to decide about joining. So, With compare to investing and searching more than a week or days to decide about Masai School. This is tiny piece of paper. You can go through this article and decide “ whether Masai school is made for you?”
If you need any help or have any doubts then you can reach me through comments/the below social platform.
Day 01 | 19-April-2021
Induction Session 10:00am- 6:00pm
Name — Masai 101
Two Batch WEB 10 & AND03
#1Holistic Development
- Technical Skills
- Soft Skills
- Career Preparation
#2Diverse & Inclusive
#3Efforts and Focus
- 1200H -Coding
- 100H-Soft Skills
- 100H-DSA, 05-Projects
- 9am–9pm–6days
- 100 mini Projects
- 10 Mock interviews
- 2 Hackathons
- 1 Capstone Projects
#4 Support system to build your capability
- Technical Instructions
- Instructional Associates
- Industry Mentor Access
- Guest Faculty
#5 Code Talk/ Hackathon
Discipline and Performance
Self-Discipline ∝ Performance
3A’s Rule
Attendance>90 %
Assessments(At the end of week)
12 Tips
✪ Have a permanent workspace
✪Get comfortable
✪ Invest in Quality Tech Tools
✪ Develop a morning Routine
✪ Exercise & Stretch at Regular Intervals
✪ Eat Healthy Meals & Snacks
✪ Take Regular Breaks
✪ Stay off social media — turn off notifications
✪ Listen to music
✪ Connect with co-learners
✪ Create a reward system for self
“You must enjoy this journey”
Remember -
Self Discipline
Movie Recommendations from mentor —
Be Ready | Sacrifice
🗹 Efforts (QQD -Quality Quantity Discipline)
🗹 Self Discipline
🗹Be Proactive
🗹 Deliberate Practice
🗹Be better everyday
🗹 Honesty
🗹 Never Give Up
🗹 Follow Instructions
🗹Holistic Development Focus
🗹 Joy of leaning and Building
Your journey to Masai — Unit
You never stop learning, you learn something new everyday.
Passion +Purpose+Efforts QQD+GRIT
Summary of Day 01 — It was meant to give an introduction about Masai and help us to understand the rules, procedure, and agreement of ISA & fees Masai
Day 01 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟 🌟
👏 Another focus point of post session was self discipline, which is more important to become better than yesterday.
Day 02 | 20 April 2021
Name — Cohort 15 | AND-03
The Day started with the quote
“Talk is cheap, show me the code” ~ Linus Torvalds
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
✏ ✑ ✒ ✍ There is no secret ingredient to make you better without hard work.
They also explain the structure
➤ Conceptual understanding
➤ Problem Solving Ability
If It doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.
“Your only competition is the person you were yesterday.”
What we get —
⚡ Lectures Notes
⚡ Class Video Recording
⚡ Reference Sites & Docs
In post session, the main focus was to make students understand the importance of
Ask questions ✍ — Not answers
“If you ask a stupid question, you may feel stupid
If you don’t ask stupid question, you remain stupid.”
Plagiarism — copying the code(Ⅹ⛔)
Stay away from
⛄ Tutorial Hell
⛄ Click Baits
⛄Easy Paths
⛄ Stack overflow
⛄ Blogs
Use during Application Phase, Not in Learning phase
Key for progress
╰☆╮ Nutrition
╰☆╮ Music
╰☆╮ Exercise
╰☆╮ Focus
╰☆╮ Concentration
✓ Solve Puzzles
✓ Attention to details
What does it takes to be on top?
⛳ Adaptability
⛳ Perseverance
⛳ Discipline
⛳ Integrity
⛳ Pro activeness ~
⛳ Mindfulness
⛳ Enthusiasm
⛳ Open Mindfulness
⛳ Resilience
We are
We studied about the etiquette which we need to follow
During the class
Using slack, zoom and email
Summary of Day 02 — The day before afternoon lunch was informative and motivational to become a better person and coder. After the lunch, it becomes less informative for me because I had already attended the semester lecture and TCSion Program related to it(soft skills). Overall, It was good👏
Day 02 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 03 | 21-April-2021
We have a first-morning SCRUM around 9:00 am and later on, we got the doc file for installing the IntelliJ IDEA software community I’m in AND03 Batch.
I explore the feature of IntelliJ IDEA from the learning section under HELP.
Some points-
- Find Action — ctrl+shift+A or Use shift twice ( Find anything in IntellJ IDEA using prefix or word)
- ctrl+N — to be a specific or do a narrow search
Later we had a basic training about zoom and slack so that the people can be familiar with the tool like
╰☆╮Zoho Mail
╰☆╮Markdown —
╰☆╮Updating status and preferences
During the afternoon, we had a soft skills lecture. We learned about the importance of soft skills.
Introduction and Importance
Soft Skill and Hard Skill
Corporate Expectations about developer
- Hard skill
- Soft skill
- Programmer mindset
= Competent Programmer
What is your aim- I will become one of the best developers from Masai School Bootcamp. Who will get one of the highest packages in product-based companies like Paytm, Sharechat.
“Be Better”
Little things ……”
doesn’t mean a lot…
they mean everything
We also came to know about Roger Bannister story who achieve the world record of running a mile in four-minute.
During the late evening, we had the LMS Onboarding and Basic Training on Zoom and Slack. In the last, we had IA Introductions & Software Installation Verification.
Summary of Day 03 — We had another day with a technical introduction to the tools. We also learned the importance of soft skills in day-to-day life to the industry field. We got familiar with tools so that they become easy to use.
Day 03— 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Lesson of Day
Day 04 | 22-April -2021
The day started with SCRUM where we get the basic overview of today’s lectures, live lessons, and assignments.
Comfort — Fear — Learning — Growth
We have the pre-lecture about Java and Datatypes, variables, JVM
You can check this Java-Introduction
We got to familiar with the new tool which is and had a live lesson about Java and JVM.
- I got too much familiar with the size of primitive data types
Finally, the most interesting session, Skillathon
7 Habits
- Mindset & Foucs-Marathon
- Practice
- Management
- GRIT- Perserverance, Resilience
- Self Discipline
Have a long-term mindset and break down the big goals. Practice as much as you can!
Summary of Day 04- I had a hand in coding at IntellJ IDEA platform in java languages. I got too familiar with the size of primitive data types. We had the interactive session in the standup session.
Quote of Day — “ When your legs get tired, run with your heart.
Day 05 |23 April 2021
The day started with the SCRUM session around 9:00 AM and I had an introduction about today’s schedule and assignments.
I had the Arithmetic and Unary Operators session at 10:30 where I study about operators arithmetic operators like +, -, *, /, % and some special cases like +=,-=,*=,/=,%=. I had the IWY session where the Instructor solves the problem based on arithmetic and unary operators, After that, I am doing the assignments related to it.
We also got to known about a new platform which is Online Judge
After the post-session, we had the Skillathon Session where we continued about the 7 Habits and got to know about the Deliberate practice, the difference between proactive and reactive.
We got few things for the weekend, one of them is watching these two movies and reading an article by James Clear.
Summary of Day 05 :- It wasn’t an exciting day as I heard about the no of rising of covid cases. It takes some time to get back to focus, the Urban Yogi Application helped a lot. I had a good session in IWY.
In the evening, we had the standup session.
Sentence of Day:-
Day 05 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 06 | 24 April 2021
The day started with the pre-recorded session of Java operators — Comparison and Logical operators.
In the morning, We had the SCRUM session, we got an overview of today’s class and assignments. We also got to know about the Titans Batch hackathon which they are doing from last night to today. Most likely we will be able to see the projects in the evening around 4:00 -5:00 PM.
We had the live session on comparison and logical operators and later the IWY session.
I had completed the assignments which were quite easy as compared to other days. The day wasn’t as the normal Monday-Friday(9 AM-9 PM). So, we can rest a little bit or use the time to learn and upgrade the knowledge about the technology of android.
Summary of Day 06:- I got to learn about the operator precedence which is ()>AND>OR>NOT. I had submitted both assignments related to comparison and logical operators. It’s time to explore !!
Day 06— 🌟🌟🌟🌟
We had one week break because of the current situation of COVID.
From 26-April-2021 to 2-May-2021
Day 07 | 03 MAY 2021
A lot of problems, people are facing due to COVID and I hope the situations get better with time. To help the students, Masai has formed the task form which is quite good.
The day started with the SCRUM session and we got the overview of today’s schedule and …… As a surprise, I had our first Sprint-1 Coding evaluation.
I use the urban yogi application for mediation and from 10:00 AM, I had the java live session on User Inputs and IWY session followed by Coding evaluation from 3:00–4:30
In between, I and Rohit and Abhimanyu solve the problem on HackerRank and trying to maintain the day streak on HackerRank, GitHub, and keybr website.
After that we got the assignment related to User Inputs followed by StandUp session at 7:00PM
Summary of Day 07 — It feels good to be back with Masai and team members. Sprint coding is the first time experience for me on OnlineJudge(OJ). I solve some good problems(Quartile, Mode) on HackerRank. The day ended with watching the pre-video of Conditional Statements.
Day 07— 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 08 | 04 May 2021
The day started with the SCRUM session and was followed by a live session on Conditional statements. Later, I had the IWY session about conditional statements. In your part assignment section, I have to do it on OnlineJudge(OJ).
After lunch, I had the skillathon session where I learn about the GRIT
If someone asked you?
Do you having the trouble to find your interests?
During late evening, I had the coding assignments on the conditional statements-I on OJ. After that, I had the evening standup followed by a pre-video on conditional statements-II.
Summary of Day o8 — Just don’t give up on your dream and keep forwarding towards it.
Day 08 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Remember — If you do not have goals yet then,
Day 09 | 05 MAY 2021
Another beautiful day started with the SCRUM session and followed by Conditional Statements which includes nested if and switch statements.
About 10:00AM, I had the live session on nested if and switch case followed by the IWY session. After completing the coding assignments like finding the second greatest element in between three numbers, day number, etc.
I had the Skillathon session around 2:00PM, which includes resilience, discipline, and positive thinking.
After the skillathon, I had the coding assignments which includes some of the question like find
Given three integers a,b,c find whether they form the sides of the triangle or not also find if it is the Right Angled Triangle. In the late evening, the day ended with the standup where students had so many doubts regarding today’s code and working flow of it.
Summary of Day 09 — The day was quite different than another day at Masai, the level of the problem has been increased and it’s good. The coding and skillathon session was informative and useful to implement in day-to-day life. #RealLifeProblems
Day 09— 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Remember — the term “Learn, Unlearn and Relearn”
Day 10 | 06 MAY 2021
The day started with the good news for students who are suffering from COVID. The Masai Team has announced that they are forming the Taskforce and team to raise the fund for students. #FundRaise
The scrum session got over with positive energy. During the live session about loops-1, Instructor taught us about While, Do-While, and For loop.
Later, I had the IWY session where I learn new shortcuts( select the statements and press ctrl and type any text to write anywhere before the sentence.) and I had completed the coding assignments early because I had the Final Year Mumbai University exam which went quite good. After lunch, I had the Skillathon session with a new Instructor. The session main topic was Communication
I had completed the coding assignments regarding loops, one of the coding questions was “You are provided 3 integers: *left*, *right* and *k*. Your task is to write a program that finds out the count of all such numbers between *left* and *right* (both inclusive) which are divided by *k*. ”
Summary of the Day- It was quite good day and had the live session on coding, skillathon. Day ended with the Coding assignments.
Day 10— 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 11 | 7 MAY 2021
The day started with a positive vibe, the SCRUM session gives the whole day schedule. At 10:00AM, I had the live session on Loops-II which includes the “BREAK and Continue statement, Nested Loop.”
After that, I had the Cyber Forensic semester exam which went well. In the IWY session, I got to learn a new way to code “Prime Number With Iteration”. The level of coding assignments was increased to medium level, some question was good like printing patterns and nested loop.
The OJ coding contest about Loop also went well.
After that, I had the skillathon session about the process of communication and workflow. Communication includes a key message (send, receive and interpret), decoding the message, storing, reproduce, and acting or reacting.
The Masai day ended with the standup where some students had doubts as the learning experience become complex within 2 weeks. I hope they catch up with the current learning pace. #GoodLuck
Summary of Day — The day started with a positive vibe but after the afternoon, I got stuck in one problem(almost took 4–5 hours) and the day ended with the unsolvable problem(4/9 test cases).
Day 11— 🌟🌟🌟 1/2
Goal — We(me and my friends) are trying to improve our social profile.
Day 12 | 08 May 2021
The day started with the SCRUM session and I got no lectures & assignments for today. Today was the off day as a session but I revised the pattern solving the problem using Java.
The alumni session was informative and insightful. Mostly, I revised the concept I learn this week from User inputs, Conditional statements(if, if-else, nested if, switch), loop controls(for, while, do-while), break and continue statements.
Day 12 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 13 | 10 May 2021
The day started with the SCRUM session and during the session, We got to know that we have a special announcement at 6:00PM and who can forget the Sprint Evaluation.
During the session, they also started a new thing to do and build the habits of complex and logical thinking with the help of puzzle
Puzzle 01 — “ A dealer has 1000 coins and 10 bags. He has to divide the coins over the ten bags so that he can make any number of coins simply by handing over a few bags. How must divide his money into the ten bags?”
Later I had given the university semester exam(Data science) which went well. After lunch, I had the sprint evaluation -II which also went….
I faced difficulty in one pattern problem which was basically “You are given a number N, print all the numbers between 1 to N*N, both inclusive, such that on each line there are exactly N numbers.”
As I said that we had the announcement from Masai at 6:00PM so It was an overall good decision from everyone’s point of view and a necessary one.
So, I will have some extra time to do competitive programming and learn DSA with Rohit and Abhimanyu
I have gone through tomorrow’s pre-video on “Arrays and Strings”.
Summary of Day 13 — It’s a tough time for a lot of students to co-op with the study. So, change in the time table is seems to be a good decision. For me, Data science and Sprint -II evaluation went well and I’m happy about it. I will spend a little more time on DSA to improve the time management of the problem.
Day 13 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 14 | 11 May 2021
As the schedule has been changed so, I had the SCRUM session around 10:00AM. During the session, We got to know the whole day’s schedule and yes, the solution for yesterday’s puzzle.
“ 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 489”
It has been solved using base2 or simple add the previous number and if you don’t get next number then put it in next bag. For e.g. 1+2=3 so no need to take 3, similarly follow it and you will get the above series. Now, you can ask any coins between 1 & 1000 and I will give the coins directly by taking out the bags.
Puzzle -2
“Suppose you’re on a game show, and you’re given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say №1, and the host, who knows what’s behind the doors, opens another door, say №3, which has a goat. He then says to you, “Do you want to pick door №2?” Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?”
Later, I had the live session on String and Array followed by the IWY session. I also had the coding assignments which I submitted. In the evening, I had the Standup Session.
Summary of Day — I have completed my semester university exam (Ethical Hacking subject) which went very well. I learned the concept of string and array especially the difference between length and length(). It was an informative and learning day.
Day 14 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 15 | 12 MAY 2021
During the SCRUM session, I got an overview of today’s schedule. I will have the first session of DSA(actually 2) followed by a skillathon and career coach session. Due to lack of discipline and not performing well, some students fall under the red zone from Titan Batch. I hope they get on track soon.
The solution for yesterday puzzle- 2
Puzzle -3
“ You have two jars, 50 red marbles, 50 blue marbles. you need to place all the marbles into the jars such that when you blindly pick one marble out of one jar, you maximize the chances that it will be red. (when picking, you’ll first randomly pick a jar, and then randomly pick a marble out of that jar) you can arrange the marbles however you like, but each marble must be in a jar.”
In the DSA introduction session, I got to know the lecture schedule, the process to follow if you don’t get the logic and code, how to approach the respective person to solve the given problem(time limit or practice ), and the meaning of Data structure. The instructor also explained the importance of using the pen-paper method to solve DSA problems and maintaining the record of a solved problem according to their level, i.e easy, medium, hard, and very hard.
During the second session of DSA on Primitive & Abstract Datatype, I got to know about the round(), ceil(), and floor() method. Primitive datatype like int, char, float, and boolean and abstract datatype like Array and class. We solved the tree problem using an array, just to explain the abstract datatype.
Later, I had the skillathon session followed by a career coach session, standup session. I watched the pre-video about functions and type casting in java.
Summary of Day — At the end of the day, I got tired from the scrum session to DSA to the pre-video session. It was also an informative day and I got to learn some basics of return and break statements, primitive and abstract data types.
Day 15 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 16 | 13 May 2021
I had the morning thought like, “Am I gonna be unhappy if I never achieve what I think, No! But I feel like I am doing towards it and if I did achieve them maybe I’ll die happy.”
The day started with the SCRUM session and I got an overview of today’s tight schedule till yet at Masai School. The live session on function and typecasting to IWY session where we solve some problem repetitively till to get hang of functions(e.g char, words — lower/upper to upper/lower case, prime Number, divisible by a specific number, Even/odd till limit). The coding assignment of function was medium level. I solved the inheritance and 2D-Array problem on HackerRank. Finally, the day got ended with the standup and I’m gonna read the “Algorithms and Data Structure “book in the evening. It was quite a beautiful and learning day.
Summary of Day — In few words, some tasks need to perform until you mastered them as it said that “Practice makes perfect”.
Day 16 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 17 & 18
Due to heavy rain and cyclone in our city, The electricity went off for the last 36 hours. So, I wasn’t able to attend the Session after SCRUM, PSC(in the middle of PSC). My laptop and phone charging went to 0%. I read the book name “Core Java” for few hours. The Next Day, I was unable to attend the SCRUM session, Pre-class and live video session on 2D-Array and Multi-D Array, assignments.
After 36 Hours, Electricity came for a second and then went off again. LOL!
I was waiting for electricity like breathing the air to survive. The electricity came around 4:00–5:00PM, I try to watch the pre-class video as well as the IWY session and completed the coding assignments.
Summary of Day — The day wasn’t good because I do not have charging in my laptop as well as my phone. Later, I managed to complete the lecture and assignments. I will buy the new books in the next months. I’m hoping to get the day better soon with the time otherwise, It will be quite hard to co-op with current situations.
Day 17 &18 — 🌟🌟
Day 19 | 19 MAY 2021
The cyclone and light issue continued till today, due to this I was unable to attend the morning SCRUM session and DSA live session too. I got the electricity back around 12:30PM so I started to do assignments of DSA which was quite good, some of the questions Here
After the post-lunch, I had the soft skill session where I got to re-learn about deliberate practice and its importance.
In the evening, I had the standup session and Masai day ended without electricity went off !
Summary of Day — It was quite wonderful day as compared to previous two days. Yes, I was unable to attend pre lunch session but i attended the post session. During pre- lunch time, I studied the core java including operators and separators. Today, The softskill session was not much helpful for me. I will try to make a new streak on hackerank and keybr which broke due to electricity issue. #AGAIN
Day 19— 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 20 | 20-MAY-2021
I was hoping to get a better day from last few days in terms of environment and electricity issue, finally the day started very well. In morning, I had the SCRUM session which was quite smoothing and relaxing to hear the words from mentor and know insight about technology and their journey.
By experiencing the victory and loss ~ That’s how man grow up !
I got to know more about the beliefs and importance of beliefs cycle, from Belief → Attitude → Efforts → Result
I was quite upset because of loss of NBA play-In tournament match between GSWvsLAL but Let’s hope for best and get better each day.
Later, I had the live and IWY session on Class and Objects which was quite relate able to human life. Class gives the blue print of objects. During the session, I learnt the member/instance variable(attributes/properties), constructor(which have the same name as class name), methods(behaviour), new keyword(to define and create the objects) and this keyword(to differentiate between member and constructor variable or other variable). The default value of primitive datatype and objects like (int →0, float →0.0, boolean →false, char →empty, some objects are String →null, Integer → null, etc). I completed the IWY coding section and completed the coding assignments on it around 9:00PM.
I also met my college friend after a long time whose name is Rahul Yadav, Who is my classmate from Junior College as well as senior in Andriod Batch (Spartans). We(me and Abhimanyu) got to know some insightful about DSA and coding section, I learnt a new thing from him that to set the alarm for attendance which will create consistency for attendance — IN and OUT in Masai school.
I wasn’t able to attend the standup session because of not having charging in my laptop and phone, again. LOL, I need to work on this.
Summary of Day — I have one of the reason to learn coding each day is “ If anyone have an idea, then come ! I will be your peer who will help you to make it reality” that’s my current goal for coding to be someone like who can say it anyone. The day went quite good and I am happy that COVID situation getting better and hoping to see everything normal again in my city. I am hoping that current situation becomes normal again in all over the world and people can meet again and live the life. I have completed the assignments and pre-class video about class and objects and learn a lot of new things.
Day 20— 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 21 | 21 MAY 2021
As usual, the day get started with the SCRUM session. Which includes coding and DSA(strings which contains topic like anagrams, palindrome and ASCII), gotta implements the triad(forming the 3 player team). The DSA session covers the main topic like array, sub array and strings, sub-string, sub-sequence. Later, I had the soft skills session which covers the topic like
The DSA-V timed contest had around some good question on anagrams and string reversal. I completed it on given time and continue to solve the problem on Hackerrank. The standup session went unacceptable and hyped because of use of words and languages between few people but our IA(cool nature) got it under control and day ended well again.
Summary of Day — I need to work on Objects and Constructor related topic and coding to do well on next monday sprint evaluation. The strings lecture was quite informative.I still need increase to solve more no of problems each day. I got the softskill assignment which is to write the journey of 2 weeks at Masai.
Day 21 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 22 | 22 MAY 2021
As today is Saturday so it was officially scheduled to be no lecture/video and assignments for students. It meant that students should practice and re-learn the concept of which have been taught from Monday to Friday. In the evening, I had the Code Talker session with Vamsee Mohan, CTO & Cofounder at Qapita.
Qapita is a digital equity management platform for private companies, particularly start-ups.Its software, QapMap, is designed to enable capitalisation table (CapTable) management, employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) management and digital ESOP issuance with the aim of eventually enabling digital share issuance for companies across south and south east Asia.
The talk was informative and insightful and I’m really glad that I attended it. It was wonderful. Some of the important suggestion from Vamsee Mohan
Summary of Day — I went through all the concept which have been taught from last 3 weeks. From taking user input to size of datatype, operators, variable, strings, arrays, objects and constructor. I’m will try to make a good note about all these topics so that i don’t have to go again and again, read all the topics to find important. #HandMadeNotesAreImportant
Day 22 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 23 |24 MAY 2021
It’s Sprint Evaluation day. The day started with the scrum session and later it moved to first test of DSA. It went well but some question were quite good and had taken time to solve it. #WorthIt
Later, I revised the user input, datatype size, conditional and loops concepts, array and strings, constructors and objects for coding sprint-3 which turn out to be quite good as well.
Most of the students were not happy because most of the question were outside the topics(special characters and test cases) you can see the question from here. Array and String-DSA
I have to watch the pre-class video static vs non-static, exception handling and collections. I have to also write the 4 Weeks Masai Experience.
Summary of Day- It was mind using day as I had the DSA and coding sprint-3 which went well for me. The array and string problems on array which was quite good level, Especially the special characters and test cases problem. There was no standup session so early leave from Masai.
Day 23 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 24 | 25 May 2021
The day started with scrum session on fresh morning, as i was exhausted from last day test. The scrum session was different today, it is because we have to give feedback on LMS Dashboard which looks different than earlier. #GoodWork
As today was important day, I had the live session on collection(ArrayList, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, HashSet, LinkedHashSet,Exception Handling). The question were quite challenging and good to solve. I solve around 10 question to get familiar with it and I still feel that I need to solve more to get better understanding about collections. Being exhausted after noon, I managed to complete the IWY and coding assignements. I attended the standup session which went quite long because a lot of people had doubts in new topics of collections. I also submitted the 4 weeks journey at Masai experience. #EndOfTheDay
Summary of Day- Today was also exhausted and learning day, I got to know a lot of new terms and got little familiar with it. I still need to work on it and I will try to learn and relearn the methods and properties of collections. #LearningDay
Day 24— 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 25 | 26 May 2021
The another day started with scrum session followed by the PSC session by DSA instructor who explained the array and strings problem very well. The aim of the session was to know the logic behind the problem and how people should think about the problem from initial to final steps. The problem included in the session was “Sorting the array and strings”. I wasn’t able to continue the session till end because I had to visit the bank in afternoon which didn’t well as you can understand the Government Bank Situation in India. The service for normal people in government bank is quite worst with respect to private bank in India.
Later, I got sleepy during afternoon and forgot to attend the skillathon lecture. I attended the standup session, where I got to know about TRIAD. Basically, in triad we have to be the Interviewer, Interviewee and Observer on each different day.
Summary of Day- I feel kinda sleepy today after noon which eventually affected the whole day. I completed the DSA assignment and attended the live session. At the end of day, one good thing which happened is TRIAD
Day 25 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 26 | 27 May 2021
The scrum session → Inheritance and Encapsulation →IWY session →Assignments →StandUp
I have fever so I will update the more specific and clear details tomorrow.
Summary of Day- System.out.println(“\\[-_-]/”);
Day 26 -🌟🌟
Day 27 | 28 May 2021
As the cold and fever continued and this time it even increased. I thought to skip the lectures and DSA timed contest but i remembered my promised to myself that I will attend all test series and give my best before starting the Masai.
“I can’t allow myself to be mediocre”
So, I plug the song which make me another version myself.
I did exercise more than hour without taking a break. The only thing came out of my body was sweat and I looked like a person who had taken bath from sweat.
Anyway, the day continued with the scrum session where I got to know about the Jeff Dean and Sanjay who was the main reason for success of google.
The session on pseudo code was important for us and it was well explained by the instructor. During the session, I got to know about the definition, importance and terminologies of pseudo code, difference between algorithm and pseudo code. Later, I had the DSA timed contest which went quite well and I completed all of them. The skillathon session was quite unique today, as most of students played the “Give answer in 5 seconds” of any random question if you did “Win! or Lose”(example:- name of three Operating system, name of five kingdom, name of five color and vegetables,etc). Standup session went well too.
Summary of Day — Never give up !👏
Day 27— 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 28 | 29 May 2021
As today was Saturday so no session was officially there. I had the PSC IA session around 5:00PM where he solved the problem related to Hashmap and Array List. I revised the concept of static, non-static, collections, constructors, getter and setter method, pseudo code. I written the write on Pseudo Code.
I got free time so I thought to get my team in Top 300 in Nitro Games
Summary of Day- It was meant for revisiting the concepts which I learnt throughout the week. I am still suffering from fever and cold and hoping to get well soon.
Day 28— 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 29 | 31 MAY 2021
The scrum session started and I got the overview of today, as some of the students would give sprint-3 evaluation again because of cyclone and covid issue. At 10:30 AM, I had the DSA session on two sum problem, sub-string under condition and brute force technique. Brute force technique is also known as
At the end of session, We got few problems on nested loop to solve by instructor Aman Vats. This would help students to learn and understand nested loop better. I was still suffering from fever and cold so I decided to break and go for few hours nap. Later, I solved the problem on leetcode.
There was no standup session so I got free time to solve problem related to string and regex .
Summary of Day- If you feel like giving up and taking rest for a while then think again & again? I believe that to become the best you have to overcome from being average. The scrum session have taught me that listen to everyone, and speak at the last by gathering information. If you are agree then don’t say yes, if you are disagree then don’t say no, ask the question and understand them why they have opinions like it. I need to solve more problems and increase the speed of learning new things.
Day 29— 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 30 | 01 MAY 2021
The morning started with scrum session, I got little bit recovered from fever. I had the live session on polymorphism, abstraction, interface. The key points from session was static/compile polymorphism and dynamic polymorphism. I solved problem related to “random number relation to pi” which was quite interesting. IWY session went very well and I am unable to complete the coding assignments which were given after lunch.
In the standup session, all students had quite communicative session and enjoyable. #ThankYouToOurIA
Summary of Day — The compile time and run time polymorphism is seem to be complex, but with a clear approach. It is easy to understand. I need to work on abstraction and interface.
Day 30— 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 31 | 02 June 2021
If I remember correctly, this was the first time that Nrupul was not starting the scrum session. During scrum session, it was mentioned that you should follow the
“BFS and DFS ”
approach in programmer life too. You should go broader in any technology just like BFS then go depth in any particular technology just like DFS.
I revised abstract topic before the PSC session. DSA session started, I had the discussion session on Longest Repeated Odd and Palindrome sub string.
Stand up session was different than other normal day, IA announced the triad and they have to act like interviewer, interviewee and coder and we will be observer. It went good.
Summary of Day-The day went quite well and I’m getting better each day in terms of health as well as coding. BFS and DFS was one of good points of scrum session. The PSC session was communicative as our instructor shared his personal journey. I had completed the DSA assignments and solve problem on leetcode and hackerank to continue my streak with my friends.
Day 31— 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 32 | 03 June 2021
Another day started with beautiful morning scrum session where we get the overview of today schedules. I was trying to solve HDFC Software Program from last two days.
I had the PSC session on the above software program and I got the clear overview of customer side section but I need to do the employee section. I will try to complete it by the end of tomorrow. I solved the coding assignments on objects and collection. There is one event going on which is to check randomly students who are doing and completed how much assignments. I was about to checked on but my IA was busy with heavy work schedules so it didn’t happened. During stand up session, I asked question on software program and how to access the customer from employee side to calculate the total balance in the bank. I got the idea and will try to implement by tomorrow.
Our Instructor Lloyd will see us after two weeks as we will have sprint -4 and final unit evaluation this week followed by next week and it will decided who will continue to next week. Basic java has been finished from their side and it went very well. I solve the problem on leetcode and hackerrank where I encountered one problem of regex wher I learnt that * means 0 or more.
Summary of Day- It was beautiful day as I feeling good day by day. The bank software program is good and taking time to get it done. I will definitely complete it by end of tomorrow. The PSC and standup session finished early.
Day 32 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 33 | 04 June 2021
What is the population of India and World ? How many websites are there in the world ? So, India population is about 1.4B and world population is about 8B. The number of websites are around 1.8B in the world. That’s how scrum session started with some of the interesting question. During the session, one of the instructor stated about the time management and how important it is from morning to afternoon-evening to night. I also got to know about a new article website which is Hubspot.
The DSA-Math session started about 10:45AM and We had very informative session on basic maths used in DSA. I also got to know the basic difference between logical(used to perform the conditional operation and gives only true and false value) and bitwise operators(which gives the bit value in binary format 0,1). During the session, the two question were discussed which are Longest repeated odds of odd, power of 2(optimized approach) and right rotation of the array. Later, I had the skillathon session where we got to know the importance of communication.
I was one of those students who will be checked under random assignments by our IA. Basically, IA used to ask about assignments(run particular assignments) and maintain the records of assignments. It went very well. I solved the problem from leetcode and hackerrank. I faced the problem during leetcode string problem, question was not clear from moderator.
Summary of Day- I will have the sprint-4 on next Monday. I need to revise the concepts as soon as possible and score well in sprint-4. The scrum and DSA session was informative. I am free from the random assignments check.
Day 33 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 34 & 35 | 07 June 2021
On Saturday, I revised the topic which includes ArrayList, HashSet, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashSet, class, objects, Abstraction, Polymorphism, encapsulation and interface.
I also revised about the strings and array for DSA evaluation. We had the seminar session with seniors who are working in their domains. The importance of social media is also explained during the session.
Today, I had the DSA contest which went quite well, it seems that level of question was decreased. After the lunch, I had coding sprint which also went good. I encountered the same problem which I solved on leetcode, I think that was question was tough but as I did practice it previously then it becomes easy for me. In the evening, I had the awareness session on glide program which will be given to top 20–25% students of batch. I am really excited for WWDC21, In this event Apple is expected to make a list of software + hardware centric announcements. Watching this event together will help us learn a few things about the way big companies build & launch new products.
Summary of Day — Finally, I have completed weekly test for unit-1 which had been quite good for me and Abhimanyu. I looking forward towards glide program and WWDC21. The level of question for this sprint was not that much hard as previous sprint.
Day 34 & 35— 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 36 | 08 June 2021
The day stared with scrum session at 10:00AM from there onward, I had session on Multi-Dimensional array which I had been studied earlier in coding part of array.
The main goal of session was to understand the why, how and when to use multi-dimensional array. The most interesting part of session was traversal through 2D Array. I solved several problem on printing different patterns of matrix. One of the nice problem was printing
Specific Diagonals Problem- Given a matrix which contains distinct integers and you are given an integer and you need to print both the diagonals crossing through the given element , you can always assume that the given element always exist in the matrix.
Zig-Zag Problem- Given a matrix with n rows and m columns. Print the matrix elements starting from the top right corner and follow a zig-zag pattern.
Later I had the contest on DSA followed by the session on number system in programming language. Some of the question which was asked during session was
Why do we need Binary System when we already have many numbersystems like Decimal, Hexadecimal and Octal?
Why do computers work better with the Binary number system?
Given we have 10 distinct digits, how do we use that to build a decimal number system?
How do you convert hexadecimal to binary and decimal to binary ?
You can try to answer these question, I will answer it tomorrow because you need to think about it for a moment and try to find the solution. We had the quiz session but It didn’t happened. There was no standup session so early leave from Masai. I solved the problem on leetcode and done some typing race, hackerrank, etc. There was a massive internet outage globally. You can read more about it.
Massive Internet Outage | Social media, news websites hit by major internet outage
Summary of Day — I learned new things about 2D array to solving the zig-zag and finding diagonals on integer, fliping the image in matrix. The session on number system was also informative. The global internet outage was really nightmare. The github and stackoverflow is heart and brain for computer science people.
Day 36— 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 37 | 09 June 2021
Today, I applied for the glide program with my friends. We had scrum session, in which we got to know about Skillathon assessment, importance of notion, use of pen and paper to solve DSA problem, taking notes in short interval of time and session.
“Just like coding, writing is a skill”
I had the DSA session on diagonals and zig-zag problem. Later, I had the quiz on number system in which I scored 10/11, the question which was wrong
What kind of number is this : 101 ?
Actually, I thought it’s a binary number but it was a decimal number as binary number used to represented by Ob101.
During the skillathon session, we got to know about facial expression, body languages, etc. We have been informed that we will have skillathon assessment in next week which will includes essay or applying for post in writing section and speaking( interact with skillathon mentor).
“Practice does not give fast results, but it does help in long term.”
There was no standup session, So i solved the leetcode and hackerank problem. I also created a team on nitro type
Summary of Day- I have applied for the glide program and I’m hoping to get into it. The quiz assessment has been given to us for the first time. The Skillathon session for Unit I will be over this Friday and I will have writing and speaking assessment. I solved the problem on leetcode, Hackerrank. There was no standup session so early leave today as well.
Day 37 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 38 | 10 June 2021
Today is 2nd anniversary of Masai School and I’m happy to be a part of it. “Happy 2nd Anniversary to Masai School”. There is one more good news for UI/UX students, if you are interested in UI/UX then there is an opportunity for you in Masai. Masai school has done partnership with Design Shift Academy.
We have 2D array session on transpose of matrix, array rotate by 90 clockwise and Tic Tac Toe game. In assignment section, there were some good problems like finding the sum(x,y,z) of 2d array (horizontally, vertically and diagonally), 2D array and phrase(“saba”). There was no standup session, I got early leave today as well. So, I solved mathematic handshake problem on Hackerrank and Check If Word Equals Summation TwoWords on leetcode.
Summary of Day- I am able to utilize my time properly in afternoon and evening but during morning and night, I am not able to do best during those time. I will try to use morning and night time properly. I need to make every time countable and useful to learn something new. Today is 2nd Anniversary of Masai school and I am happy about it and hoping to continue my journey. I hope other students also utilize this opportunity and become better than yesterday.
Day 38 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 39 | 11 June 2021
I did some changes in my notion todo list and followed it from morning. I read the core java- object book in early morning. The srcum session started and it seems that today will be quite busy day but god wish was something different as It started to raining here, so I thought to use my laptop wisely because of charging issues. During whole day, I have to cover the PSC session on 2D Array, go through the skillathon assessment, DSA new question, number system quiz, sequence and progression (AP and GP). Nrupul had also given the basic overview and use of Math in data science and programming.
The PSC session was taken by Venu (“Venugopal Panchumarthi”)
Problem -1 You are given an array of n rows and m columns which contains positive integers and sum s
You need to find occurrences of the sum of three consecutive numbers (i.e x,y, and z ) whose sum is equal to s appear horizontally, vertically and diagonally in the given matrix.Problem -2 Given a matrix with n rows and m columns. Print the matrix elements starting from the top right corner and follow a zig-zag pattern
The session went well and learnable especially learning the new approach for same problem.
I had the last skillathon session for Unit I, in which we learnt about why assertive communication is important ? The quiz on number system went good (18/19). I have one wrong lucky number as I am not getting perfect score in quiz. In evening, I had overview of Unit interview, how it will happened and how we should act and perform in it.
The key points of the session was
- Ask Questions- on boundary(edge) cases, normal cases and constraint
- Communicate your thought process
- Be aware of boundary cases
Later, I watch pre-recorded session on sequence and progression where I got to learn about arithmetic and geometric progression. I had studied these topics in my senior college as well as university class. One more thing, I got short listed for glide program with 20 other students. I will have interview with any members of glide team for conformation and to validate it. As the rain continues so, I was not able to do leetcode and Hackerrank.
Summary of Day- From morning to mid-night, I had quite good day but there was electricity problem so I was not able to follow my routine plan which was meant to start from today. I did well in quiz and assessment. The skillathon session got over for Unit I, It can vary from student to student but I did not learn much from skillathon except few class. No leetcode and hackerrank, but I did relearn about sequence and progression. I am hoping that my interview go well and I will do some practice before actual interview just to get hang of it.
Day 39 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 40 | 12 June 2021
Today is Saturday so I do not have any official lecture from Masai school so I thought to revisit topics which I learn through the week. I went through number system which includes binary number, octal number, hexadecimal number, decimal number and 2D Array. I got pretty much time left so I thought to do something interesting, so I went to Pramp website as I heard that they used to provide interview with other peer who have similar knowledge in same field. I got first interview around 2:30PM with a person who is backend developer and have 7 years experience in java field. The question which I got from that side was Binary Search Tree inorder successors which was hard for me, I got the logic and wrote pseudo code but unable to implement and successfully run it. The question which came after swap role was “Move zero to end of array” in optimal approach ( time and space complexity should be O(N)). The next person is Abhimanyu who also apply for interview and got meeting schedule around 5:30PM, The question which he got was the question which I had given to the backend developer “ Move zero to an end of array”. The question he asked to other person was “merging 2 arrays to sum limit”, this question was similar to finding the index of element present in the array which will be added to give value equal to some number. He got the correct result and other person got correct result as well. The solution of above question with hashmap was awesome.
The next person who was schedule the meeting on Monday but he got friends like us so, we schedule it today only around 8:30PM. LOL !
The question which he asked was classical sudoku solver problem.It takes quite time to solve it and he did it partially then successfully with little more efforts before asking to other person and the interview started. That person was not able to complete it as he. He got the question of finding nth root of given number.
Summary of Day- It was good day in terms of developing and learning the process of interview from peer perspective. This process also followed the position of interviewer and interviewee as well as observer. I went through all the topics which I learnt this week. It was good day.
Day 40— 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 41 & 42 | 14 June 21 | 15 June 21
The scrum session included the points like practice contest, quiz on progression and sequence, DSA interview(14 June-18 June) and on Friday, Unit Evaluation. The practice contest and quiz question was moderate level and it had taken some time to solve it. My friend had speaking assessment, DSA evaluation at same date and he performed very well. I started to make a list of DSA problem based on level on Notion. The most interesting question which I faced in quiz was
In climbing a round pole of 80 metres height, a monkey climbs 5 metres in a minute and slips 2 metres in the alternate minute. How much time(in minutes) would the monkey take to get to the top of the pole? Answer — 51
The next day, I had the speaking assessment with Isha Maa’m which went well. Today, the practice contest question consisted two problems. ( array of zeroes and matrix string)
I have signed up for COVID-19 Relief for India Coding Challenge , Celebrate Juneteenth 2021 Coding Contest as well as Celebrate PRIDE 2021 Coding Contest on Hackerrank. I solved few pattern problems on Online Judge which includes patter of V and W, etc.
Summary of Day- I am preparing for unit evaluation and DSA evaluation. I will try my best to perform well. We have participated in upcoming challenge on Hackerrank which will happen tomorrow COVID-19 Relief for India Coding Challenge.
Day 41 & 42 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 43 & 44 | 16 June 21 | 17 June 21
“Yesterday is history and today is mystery ”
Yesterday, I had scrum session where I got to know about why we should read more article and some hack to unlock paid article
- Use incognito mode
- Outline
- Write script to by pass the cookie and cache
Note- It’s recommended that you should take subscription or pay to read article.
I had the quiz on set and relation which went good, Later I solved the problem on OJ, one of them is partial accepted because of run time limit in one test case. Run Time Error-Math Equation
I had participated in COVID Relief Challenge at Hackerrank, currently my rank is 224/1301(on going event). I didn’t performed well but for me it’s okay because It’s totally meant to understand the environment.
So, Today was DSA evaluation and guess what?? I didn’t perform well here as well. I was just able to solve one problem and the second one was easy level but I wasn’t able to do it correctly, later I solved the shift lowercase problem. The quiz on sets and relation went well.
Summary of Day- I wasn’t able to perform well in DSA evaluation and feeling low. I solved some problems on leetcode and hackrrank. I was thinking to not write today but it’s a part of journey.
Day 43 & 44 — 🌟🌟🌟
Day 45 | 18 June 21
This is the officially last day of Unit I at the Masai school. It’s the day after which people will decide to stay and leave after unit evaluation. It’s their decision and I respect them for choosing it based on their experience. I really like Masai school and I will continue till end of last Unit.
So, let’s being ! The day started with the scrum session and we got to know that from Monday/Tuesday we will have old schedule which is 9–9–6. I had the final Unit I evaluation, It was neither best nor worst for me as well. I solved 4/5 problems and I strive to do better next time. Later, I had the quiz on logarithm which went amazing(20/20 problem). I solved SQL problem on hackerrank and string problem on leetcode. I have been selected with some other students to do project demonstration at my college (to current final year student 2021–2022)
Summary of Day- The Unit I evaluation has been ended and I performed average(4/5) on final evaluation. The quiz on logarithm consisted of 20 problems which went good. I solved few problems on Leetcode and Hackerrank. #KeepCoding
Day 45— 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 46 | 19 June 21
The day started without scrum session and as today is Saturday so there will be no official session from Masai school. I had project presentation at my university college so I was preparing for it from morning, I gave my best and I really like to thank my university and HOD for giving me such a wonderful opportunity. Later, I saw the leader board of COVID Relife for India Coding Challenge which has been officially ended. I will try my best in next challenge.
Summary of Day- The project presentation and Hackerrank challenge went smooth. I feel relaxed after presentation and enjoyed rest of day. There was code talk session by Anoop Sankar, VP Technology from Truecaller, but I was not able to attend it.
Day 46 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 47 | 21 June 21
There was no scrum and lectures scheduled for today, as we have moved to next unit. We had communication regarding our unit performance and the next set of actions for unit II. Today was also a construct Week presentations. Many students had been presenting their projects that they have worked hard on in last 2 weeks. In this presentations I learnt about how they managed to achieve so much in short amount of time as well as some valuable feedback by the judges.
Summary of Day- I am feeling not good regarding my health from Morning. I need to work and take care of my health. Mostly, I had the communication regarding what I should have to do continue towards next Unit and ISA agreement. I am happy that I have been selected in Glide Program with other 7 students. My friend Abhimanyu has been also selected. I solved some problems on leetcode.
Day 47— 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 48 | 22 June 2021
Just like previous day, I had mostly ISA agreement and NBFC document signing. It went from morning to afternoon 1:00PM and evening 4:30–6:30PM. During 2:00PM, I had overview of Unit II what we will study and over all schedule. There has been a lot of changes in Masai school Unit II study structures. There will be a dedicated slot for DSA 2 and Half hours, similarly 1 hour for communication and time contest as well as regular contest. The thing which I like most is elective course, which will be given to students who have performed very well in previous unit. There is also an addition of experience champion who will handle the things other than tech related. I have solved some problem on leetcode.
Summary of Day- Hope, the addition of new things will bring changes in student life and Masai School. The presentation of this construct week was really amazing. Nrupul said that if there will be 0 % participation in project then you might be not able to move to next Unit. During most of the day, I was involved in ISA and NBFC agreement.
Day 48 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 49 & 50 | 23 June 21 | 24 June 21
Yesterday, I spend most of my day in glide form agreement. I did solve some problem on Leetcode and installed Android Studio. I got one puzzle question which is below given, you can try to answer in the comment section.
You have two sand timers, which can show 4 minutes and 7 minutes respectively. Use both the sand timers(at a time or one after other or any other combination) and measure a time of 9 minutes.
I was very excited for today, as we will have our first session on android and will create our first hello world project in Android. The scrum session was different today, as there is new addition of full stack web development batch at Masai. There name is Web-11. Yesterday, team India lost the WTC to New Zealand. Win and loss is a part of game, the person should get and learn something from it. I learnt that no matter how tough condition and odd are against you, if you believe in yourself then there is always a chance for getting what you want as the same thing happened with Kane Williamson’s New Zealand team. As I said earlier that there is a new change in the schedule of 9–9–6 and it’s clearly visible in today schedule. We will have DSA, skillathon followed by android session respectively. In the DSA, I had the 2D Array PSC and 3D array concepts. We also had revision on key-value pair(HashMap). Time contest happened at 10:45 which includes four basic and intermediate problem from 3D array, HashMap.
Skillathon session was scheduled to taken by Swetha instead of Isha. The goal of the session was to show the importance of Linkedin and how you should create a good and effective profile on it. At the 2:30, I had the android session on android architecture. I got to know how the application, their framework, libraries and Linux kernel are connected to each other as well as their dependencies. The java code is used to convert into byte(.class) code followed by JVM(convert it into machine code). Similarly, the java code in android is used to convert into byte code followed by DVM( DEX(Dalvik) code). Android is used to use DEX code(just in time) but after the Kitkat version, it uses the ART(ahead of time). We also created our hello world project in android. I also completed the assignment of android which was to print the sentence.
Summary of Day- I still have to complete the Glide Agreement. I had very good and exciting session on android, I am thinking to study more about the architecture of android during this weekend. So, Android has been officially started and I’m pretty much excited for upcoming session. The DSA session and contest went well.
Day 49&50 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 51 | 25 June 21
The day started with the energetic scrum session, It was mentioned that the people who are good in chess or cubic solving have very good pattern solving problem and I absolutely agree with it because I’m not. I will have PSC on key-value(HashMap), time contest in DSA and skillathon session followed by android activity lifecycle.
Timed contest consisted of two problem named as “Day of week” and “ Detect Palindrome II”. Later on, PSC session was taken by Ankush where he explained the problem from basic. He also explained previous day time contest problem “A football tournament”. The skillathon session was meant for giving the importance to Twitter and how it is important for developer. I have been using Twitter from so much time but I don’t twitter is as much helpful as other platforms. It’s a part of learning so I will be definitely try it again.
I watched the pre-recorded session on android activity life cycle. Finally, the most awaited session started at 3:00 where we got to know about how android app works internally using logcat. In simple ways, whenever we launch an android app then onCreate() activity is launched followed by onStart(), onResume(), onPause(), onStop(), onDestroy() and onRestart(). Depending upon the action each activity is used to called. In IWY session, the problem was easy but it was meant for us to understand the basic of activity life cycle. I got a lot of time, so I thought to create a basic “Anime Audio Player”. I almost completed the application, I will explain and give the demo or link tomorrow(feeling sleepy).
Summary of Day- The PSC session was really helpful for students who were not able to solve the problem during time contest. Android activity life cycle is very important topic from interview point of view so I put a lot of effort to learn as much as possible and implement in practical example ( “Anime Audio Player”). I have finally completed the glide form and I will try to completed my application tomorrow. I am also thinking to write an article about “Anime” as It has so much importance in my life.
Day 51— 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 52 | 26 June 21
I was pretty much excited for today because of “Code Talk Session”, the scrum session started in the morning. The schedule for today explained and we also got to know more about electives(Number Theory or Bit Manipulation). I had the session on git version control which was taken by Saikrishna.
At 4:00PM, The code talk session started by Prateek Shukla who is CEO & Co-founder of Masai School. He spoke about journey of Masai, need and useful of ISA, impact of Masai School on students life, potential of students which are un-tap as well as skill has more importance than degree. The next talk was with Farid Ahsan who is CTO of Sharechat. I can not cover all the points, some of the important
- Peer helping each other to grow in education
- Best college is like magnet for big tech company to higher students
- Not much difference between degree at top tier and low tier college
- Skill has more importance than degree
I was waiting for this person to listen from Morning, As I find some what similarity. His name is Kailash Nadh who is Co-founder of Zerodha. Some of the key points of talk were
- Less wrong decision you take, more growth you will have
- Importance of system design and architecture as well as scalability
- The future of FOSS and how you can participate in it, basically you have to find the projects which aligned with your interest and contribute in it or find the problem and create an open source project on it
- Learn how to make scalable project and concurrency problem
The final talk was given by Will Poole who is founder of Capria and well known person in big tech companies. Some of the key points were
- Growth of Indian Companies
- Importance of Mathematics and English communication across the world
- How he learned the communication skill (he got to know the importance of communication from his girlfriend)
During the talk I understood that instead of telling something show your project or skill, for example I developed this particular project using this tech skill and communication skill play vital role as developer were working from home(Remote-Work).
Summary of Day- Instead of waiting for right time and opportunity to develop a software, build some software with the skill you have and try to add new one as you go forward. Experience is key to build the large scalable and highly efficient software and you won’t be able to learn it in your first try, so provide the solution for already existing problem and build software for it. I will try to participate at least one Hackathon in each month and contribute to FOSS project. “Never Give Up and Believe !”
Day 52— 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 53 | 54 | 55–28 June 21 | 29 June 21 | 30 June 21
From last three days, I am having busy schedule with lectures, assignments and DSA.We had some moderate level questions in DSA contest problem, some of them are “Reversal N traversal, count Names, Sprial traversal.” The PSC on above mentioned problem were taken by Ankush who is DSA head for Android Batch (Unit -II). The explanation on “Reversal N traversal” was pretty good and understandable. Skillathon session was taken by Isha Kataria, in which we got to know about importance of Linkedin, Twitter and presentation.
In Android, We had lectures and IWY session on various topics. This covers the topic from “Introduction to Views and Layouts(Linear, Frame and Relative Layout), common XML attribute, Event Listeners, Saving UI state, Intent and activity communication and intent filters.” I will talk about briefly in upcoming days.
Summary of Day — I have learnt a lot of new things in Android as well as DSA. I am trying to keep up with the current pace of schedule and complete the assignments.
Day — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 56 | 01 July 21
The day started with scrum session and We had motivated words from Yogesh. It is such a nice thing to hear a motivated words in the start of day. I had complexity analysis which cover the points from O(1), O(n), O(n²), O(n³),etc. We also got to know about how we can minimize the steps for calculating time complexity of code. At 11:00 AM, quiz session started which went well. Today’s skillathon session was special for us, as we had our first team presentation but due to time constraint. It has been decided that we will have our presentation tomorrow only.
The Android session have become complicated from this week to till now, lectures and IW session used to finish early. Most of students were not able to complete the we part assignments. I hope the pace of teaching will become more relevant and easy for understanding. We also need to give our best everyday to learn and implement the things which we have learned in Android.
Regarding project presentation, our team consist of five people. We are trying to give our best tomorrow!
- Leena
- Kunal
- Bhavesh
- Dipu Kumar
- Me(Mausam)
Summary of Day- Android session cover points which is mostly important regarding scroll. I learned about vertical and horizontal scroll bar. The session and quiz on time complexity helped me to understand it better. Some of the assignments is still pending, I will try to finish it before the end of this weekends. The presentation topic which we have decided to present tomorrow is “Introduction to GitHub.”
Day — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 57 | 02 July 21
Finally, I got some time today to spent few minutes here. I joined scrum session late and due to network issue, I was not able to continue till the end of session. Sometimes time and space complexity can be really hard to understand because of nature of algorithms. Why is it so hard to implement the logic and why It take so much time?
Due to bunch of pending assignments and not solving Hackerrank problem, My Github streak got ended. I felt really bad about it(the whole time I was looking at cloud which was going from North to South direction. I looked at cloud and screamed that are you gonna stop or not?). Now, the cycle needs to restart from 0 again till I complete 100 day streak. Mark my word, I will complete the 100 days streak this time and going to contribute to open source project.
Sometimes, you do not want to compare yourself with others but people around do eventually. I really do not like comparing myself to other person because “One person dream is illusion of other person.” If you have not gone through this phase of life where one person who gives you strength becomes your weakness then you will experience it in future and understand what I am refering to and talking about. #LifeChangesWithTime
Let’s come back to DSA session, We got to know more about time complexity and there is also an addition of space complexity. I need to revise concepts of time complexity again. For the fact, I again felt that “Teaching is one of the hardest thing to do in your life.” One can argue whether the person is teaching correct way or not but you can never deny the fact that person trying so much and putting efforts to explain. We got to know about how we can use arithmetic and geometric progression and logarithm in time and space complexity.
We (Callback Cats) as team did our first presentation at Masai School which went really great. I am glad that I got to know about few people very closely in recent few days. Regardless of pending coding assignments, the hard work and dedication which each member has shown in last two day is more than amazing (+1). The name of topic is “ Introduction to GitHub” which was introduced to us by Leena. She have most of the quality which you will see in good team member (fact: you will hardly hear no from her side regarding work, I mean the chances is less than 1 %). I think rest of my team member will agree with me about the attitude and learning mindset shown by Bhavesh and Dipu Kumar. The rate of growth of learning, positive attitude shown by them is really impressive to have an effect . The energy which Bhavesh and Dipu Kumar have shown from last two days, I hope They will continue the mindset of learning and become a very good developer. There is a need of improvement from Dipu Kumar in terms of communication skill but he will eventually get it done before the end of course if he keeps practicing each day(fact: there is always a need of improvement in any person whether person is me or you). The member who came up with the idea of naming our team as “CallBack Cats” is Kunal. Kunal and Leena are the person who handled most of communication, time management and way of organizing structure during our practice project preparation. I learnt a lot of things from you guys, Wish you the best for future. Thank You !
During android session, I got to know more about Constraint and Card View Layout. I have to study more about constraint layout, there is need of practice from my side. I have completed most of assignments just need to finish before the end of Saturday.
Summary of Day — “If you ever talk to a great programmer, you will find they know their tools like an artist knows their paint brushes.” ~ Bill Gates. What we can learn from this is, every programmer should know how to use GitHub effectively. There is always a need of improvement within yourself have a wide range of look. One of my close friend will have next coding round for SDE-1 role at Amazon company on this Sunday.
Day 57— 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 58 | 03 July 21
There was no scrum session as today is Saturday. I have a lot of assignments pending and I will try to complete as soon as possible. I had completed the intent and intent filters assignments. I solved DSA problems using HashMap.
Day 58 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 59 | 60 | 05 July 21 | 06 July 21
Moving Forward ∝ Difficulty of Problem
The above equation shows exactly how the life is going on now a days. From last two days, I had joined the scrum session late. On Monday, I had the DSA exam which did not go as expected. I was able to solve only two problem(2/3). The streak of having bad time continue with coding evaluation as well, as I have solved only one Android problem which had taken 3 hours to solve.
Today, I had scrum session followed by DSA contest which went almost well. I solved most of problem(one got partially accepted). During DSA lecture we got to know about “Two Pointers Approach” which is very effective to get better time and space complexity of problem. Some of the example is “ Two sum” and “Palindrome”
The topic for skillathon session was “Time Management” which was taken by Isha. Everything in the session was informative in terms of learning time management except one point.
- What will be your response regarding the way college is teaching us and how college is responsible for your current situation as well as how much are you responsible?
- Is it okay to blame college for your current situation?
Most of the students were blaming college or schools for not teaching properly and other reasons as well, which is 100% wrong. This show their nature regarding blaming others for their faults. In this Online ERA, no college is used to teach properly even including IIT, NIT, Top University. I have saw a lot of tech talks by these top institute students who have clearly said one thing that “ the way college teach us is hardly make any difference from top tier to low tier institute” The people who are around you and community where you lived is the major reason for growth. The most important is how much efforts you put daily for your future goals. In everyone’s life, There will be a low points but instead of blaming others, we should take responsibilities of our action.
I wanted to know the view of our Maa’m regrading this topic and I got to know which is also correct that There is equal responsibilities of college as well as students for their growth. The android session was less energetic as It used to happen during afternoon. We got to know about “Permission and shared preferences.” In IWY session, one problem took around 3 hours to complete.
Summary of Day — Keep Coding and Never Give Up ! When most of people have same opinions about some points and your opinions is differ than others than that does not mean that your opinions is wrong. You should explain your thoughts to others and also know their too and think again about it, am I wrong or correct? The best way to learn something is listening to others. The android assignments is getting complicated day by day, but I will try to complete it as soon as possible.
Day 59 | 60 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 61 | 07 July 21
The day started with scrum session followed by DSA contest which consist of problem like “Rotate the array by K and take out maximum sum of array in sub array”. The solution of problem should be optimized as well as time and space complexity should be less than O(n).
The solution of above mentioned problem → Take out Maximum and Rotate the array. During skillathon session, we had a presentation from Web-10 batch. Most of student were doing good in their first presentation and I hope other student will get better soon if they keep trying day by day.
“I like to be part of competitions and community where most of students are strive to become better than others student in the community by improving themselves.”
We got to know about recycler view in android(Recycler View is a very powerful and flexible tool available to Android developers. It is important that we implement it properly so our code strikes a good balance between being as optimized and concise as possible). From adding recycler widget to activity, creating the item layout, model class, adapter. These are the most important method -
- onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType)
- onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position)
- getItemCount()
At the end of day, I completed the previous day assignments on “Permissions and Shared Preferences.”
Summary of Day- No matter how much effort you put into work, it will be not enough to do all at once. So, be easy on yourself and complete one challenge at time and try to utilize the time properly. “ Time is really more than money.” Recycler View is one of the most important topic regarding optimizing the layout in Android and I have to put extra efforts to know it’s functionality.
Day 61— 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 62 | 08 July 2021
The day started with morning scrum session where we got the overview of today schedule. In computer science, it is true that whenever you feel, on computer science is easy then it will give you a new chapter on topic. There will be a new challenge in each Unit at Masai School.
I had time contest at 9:30AM, there was one problem which made thing contest interesting. The problem name is “Sub Array Sum”
Given an array of integers of length n and a positive integer K, the task is to find the count of the longest possible subarrays with the sum of its elements not divisible by K.
There was a PSC of previous DSA contest problem taken by Ankush.The skillathon session was very informative and unique in terms of learning experience about time management. There are some of activity which we have to do —
- To show the long, mid and short term goal
- List regarding important and urgent tasks
By making the goals, it should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. List will contains your daily life tasks which will be categorized in these four types -
- Important & Urgent
- Important & Not Urgent
- Not Important & Urgent
- Not Important & Not Urgent
The goal should be effective and efficient. The productivity can be measure in following terms
- Cycletime
- Lead Time
- Fix Rate
Which is further enhanced for productivity
- Mindset
- Skills
- Tools
- Knowledge
You should always think about what can kill productivity
- I know Everything.
- Lack of focus
- Not doing it right at first time
- Rushing and not an implementer
At the end of making list, just review it and think in following terms
- What are your biggest time waster?
- What are you currently doing to manage your time?
- What could you be doing better?
By keeping in the mind that student should understand the recycler view properly, we had additional session about it. Where we learn new things in recycler view.
Summary of Day- Learing and implementing new logic on sub array sum DSA problem with window sliding techniques. Understanding time management importance again during skillathon session will keep most of students on right track of learning. Whenever you feel low then get up because there is no time to feel low about current situation. There is an issue regarding my laptop charging so I was not able to solve additional assignments on recycler view. “No charging, No Assignments”
Day 62 — 🌟🌟🌟
Day 63 | 09 July 21
It is important to do mediation in morning to rethink about yourself. There was one problem included in DSA contest named as “Subarray under condition”
Given an array A, print starting and ending index of all subarrays in the array which has sum 0.
The topic of today skillathon session was “Time Management.” The important points which have been taught during session was -
There was no officially Android session so I use those time to practice my typing speed as it is important factors in programming. The progress so far in typing speed.
It is really challenging to increase typing speed after 60 WPM but I have to cross 100 WPM at the end of this year. #UntilNoStop
We have an one activity to do which is “to record yourself on zoom and speak about five minutes on any topic”
Summary of Day- It is very much important to be focused towards your goal and being less procastinated every day. As Human, it is normal to act like procastinatino and it is totally normal. But remember to acheive something better, you have to do something better. You get very limited amount of energy each day so be wise to use it properly.
Day 63 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 64 | Day 65 | 10 July 21 | 12 July 21
On the occasion of Saturday, There was no lecture except Alumni Insight Session which was started at 5 PM.
It’s feel good to start a new week with refreshing energy. We had scrum session followed by DSA week III Unit II evaluation which consisted of three problem but I was able to solve only one problem. I have to study and catch up with Recycler View.
I am thinking to make an application which will consist of some of top anime in specific orders. I will use concepts which I have learnt so far. I had assignment related to “Skillathon — Virtual Project Presentation Assignment”
Summary of Day- DSA exam as well as whole day didn’t well. I need to manage my time better and have to prepare if things do not go according to my plan how I will be able to keep it according to plan of day. I have regret about today for not doing as I thought.
Day 64 && 65— 🌟
Day 66 | 13 July 21
The day started with srcum session where Nrupul and Yogesh warned some students regarding Plagiarism. In few days, those students will be out of Masai School because of involvement in plagiarism.
Today is very special day in Data structure and Algorithm chapter, as we started with Sorting algorithm.
Algorithms are defined as, a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.
Some of the popular algorithms are Selection Sort (Sorting Algorithm), Bubble Sort(Sorting), Linear Search (Searching Algorithm). Today, we studied about Bubble sort and Selection sort.
Selection Sort
Selection Sort is a sorting algorithm which works in such a way that the entire list is divided into two parts — the sorted part, and the unsorted part.
Bubble Sort
Similar to selection sort, bubble sort also works by dividing the arrays into two parts, sorted part and unsorted part.
The difference between bubble sort and selection sort lies in the fact, in which they enhance the sorted part. Selection sort increases the length of the sorted part by ensuring that at each step, the minimum element in the unsorted part, finds its place in the sorted part, whereas bubble sort ensures that the maximum element in the unsorted part, finds its position in the sorted part.
During Android session, we had session about recycler view.
Summary of Day- It was more productive than last few days and I am happy about getting on track of productivity of learning. The bubble and selection sorting is really useful and I need to solve some extra problem with dry run to understand the difference between bubble and selection sort. After a long time, I joined stand up session to clear some doubts regrading android assignments.
Day 66— 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 67 | 14 July 21
The day started with scrum session where we had overview of today schedule for android and algorithm. It is very important that programmer should know the importance of collaboration.
working together to complete a task or achieve a goal. Collaboration is similar to cooperation. Most collaboration requires leadership, although the form of leadership can be social within a decentralized and egalitarian group.
We had DSA contest around 9:30AM on sorting problem. The problem was mostly related to optimization of sorting algorithm. Problem named as “New sorting algorithm” and “Make Leader board.” I was only able to solve one problem and about to solve second one but contest got ended, I just need few more minutes to solve both problem on time. Later, We had PSC on customize sorting by Ankush.
In Android, we had session on adding multiple views in recycler view. The one problem which we solved in IWY session was related to whatsapp sender and receiver message. It was mostly related to concept of binary (0 or 1). There was also a session on Number theory for students who have taken electives.
Summary of Day- Each day, we are learning new concepts and key elements in android. It is very good to know new things but not getting enough time to explore these topics from root, still it is totally fine for now. I will try to study about it during weekends.
Day 67— 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 68 | 69 | 70 - 15 July 21 | 16 July 21 | 17 July 21
I had a lot of pending assignments, I tried to complete as much as possible in last three days. I have study about reading data from API in our Android app in Android Studio. For reading data from API, we use GET request to read our data which is in Json format. These are some of the steps which are required for GET and POST request.
Step 1: dependency in your build.gradle file
Step 2: Adding permissions to the internet in the AndroidManifest.xml file
Step 3: Creating a modal class for storing our data
Step 4: Creating an Interface class for our API Call
We got to introduce to new program which is related to referal program.
Finally, Unit II skillathon session ended today. I am really thankful to skillathon mentor Isha for such a wonderful unit skillathon session through out whole unit II.
We had done a lot of activity but one activity which I still remember is “ Asking 5 Why?” In this, whenever you have some problem related to any field just ask relevant five why questions.
We also had the session with Nrupul regrading masai android plan and upcoming android batches. It looks like that we will have more session on Flutter.
Summary of Day- I have studied briefly about recycler view and solved most of assignments problem. Unit II skillathon session has been ended with a lot of personal improvement and hope. Unit II skillathon assessment will be taken based on “Concept Explainer Video”
“Imagine you are in a technical round and you are asked a question on any of topics, in response how will you explain any one concept in 3 minutes.”
Day — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 71 | 19 July 21
Sprint evaluation W29 -sprint evaluation IV
The DSA sprint went from 9:00 -10:00 am and after a two weeks later, I solved all problem given to me in evaluation. It feels good to be on track of consistency again. I got some free time before coding evaluation so I decided to revise the topics which I learn so far in Android
- Log.d()
- Layout -Linearlayout, RelativeLayout, ConstraintLayout, FrameLayout
- Event Listener
- Android activity -onSaveInstanceState(), onRestoreInstanceState()
- Intent and Intent Filters
- Scroll View
- Permission -Granted and Denied
- Shared Prefernces
- Retrofit
- RecyclerView
I have not studied retrofit properly and it cost me during exam, It took me more than hours just to fetch the data from api and show it through arrayList.
Summary Of Day- It was quite hectic and mind exhausting day for brain so I decided to take rest today. DSA evaluation went well but coding evaluation did not went according to plan. From tomorrow on-wards, I will have the construct week.
Day 71 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 72–79 | 20 July 21- 27 July 21
During this, time I had the construct week. We tried our best to clone the FirstCry application but due to some technical issue on second day, our work wasn’t able to complete. I have provided the link for blog where I have mentioned about what we did as team “Legends” during construct week.
A story of Learning Android Developer : Fail
Day 72–79 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 80 | 81 | 82 -28 July 21| 29 July 21 | 30 July 21
I’ve been procrastinating way too much lately and due to which, I was unable to continue the previous two days blog. The scrum session happened at all three days and we got some good news from Spartans Batch as students got placed. Samurai batch has been given task to introduce themselves in front of whole masai school students which will help to get out of fear zone of unfamiliarity. I am not sure but there placement have started as well or will start in few weeks.
In DSA, we got to introduce to some advanced points of stack data structure. Unike stack, In Queue, insertion, and deletion happen at the opposite ends. The two famous operation is enqueue and dequeue.
Enqueue: Addition of an element to the queue. Adding an element will be performed after checking whether the queue is full or not. If rear < n which indicates that the array is not full then store the element at arr[rear] and increment rear by 1 but if rear == n then it is said to be an Overflow condition as the array is full.
Dequeue: Removal of an element from the queue. An element can only be deleted when there is at least an element to delete i.e. rear > 0. Now, the element at arr[front] can be deleted but all the remaining elements have to shifted to the left by one position in order for the dequeue operation to delete the second element from the left on another dequeue operation
We had DSA contest at each day and I was able to solve most of the problem at each day. I was having hard time to implement today contest problem.
Android learning has been increase drastically from last three days, we had studied about advanced topic in retrofit such as file, image and video upload. At the next day, we had session on broadcast receiver. We had introduction session on fragment and it’s lifecycle where we mostly studied about static fragment.
Broadcast Receivers
Android apps can send or receive broadcast messages from the Android system and other Android apps, similar to the publish-subscribe design pattern. These broadcasts are sent when an event of interest occurs. For example, the Android system sends broadcasts when various system events occur, such as when the system boots up or the device starts charging.
A Fragment represents a behavior or a portion of user interface in a FragmentActivity. You can combine multiple fragments in a single activity to build a multi-pane UI and reuse a fragment in multiple activities.
Summary of Day- In the last three days, we studied topics from a queue, retrofit -image, file, video upload and broadcast receiver, fragment and its lifecycle. I will try to improve myself on few points, mostly trying to avoid procrastination.
Day -🌟🌟🌟1/2
Day 83 | 31 July 21
We had no live lecture on Android today, but there was a PSC on queue problem like “Masai Coding Competition”
I completed an android assignment of RecyclerView -III and one question of static fragments. Later, we had a Code Talk Session with Mukund Jha, Co-founder & CTO Dunzo, the hyperlocal deliver app.
He also co-founded 2 other startups (Wisdomly and Habet) before Dunzo. Prior to that Mukund worked in Google SF as a Search Rank Engineer before the entrepreneur bug bit him. At Dunzo, Mukund sets the tone for technology and how to solve many of India’s unique logistical challenges through tech. Mukund is an alumnus of Columbia University and MNNIT, Allahabad.
Summary of Day -I completed some of assignments problems of RecyclerView and attended a PSC on queue problem. After the evening, I played the BGMI game and did Procrastination.
Day -🌟🌟
Day 84 -87 | 02 Aug 21 | 05 Aug 21
In the last few days, I have learned a lot of new things such as fragment transaction, static, dynamic fragment, dynamic methods of fragment transaction( add, remove and replace), fragment back stack, communication between fragment, navigation graph, view Pager and threading
Fragments that are inflated are added programmatically are called dynamic fragments. If a user needs to communicate between 2 fragments, then the communication has to be done via the Activity. We can use an interface to communicate between multiple fragments.ViewPager in Android is a class that allows the user to flip left and right through pages of data. This class provides the functionality to flip pages in-app. It is a widget found in the support library. To use it you’ll have to put the element inside your XML layout file that’ll contain multiple child views.
Looper, Handler, and Handler Thread
The skillathon session became friendly again and interactive which is taken by Shruti. A lot of new learning in team management and handling a certain situation. There has been a DSA contest each day. In the stack and queue contest, two problems were interesting to do which are “ Perform queue operation using stack and perform stack operation using the queue.” Currently, we are learning about Recursion.
- Direct Recursion
- In-Direct Recursion
- Nested Recursion
- Head Recursion
- Tail Recursion
- Tree Recursion
Summary of Day- In few days, a lot of new concepts in android have been taught to us. So, it will take some time to understand and co-op with it. Personally, We break the bond of unofficial and let go of each other what was holding to us. It’s a mixed feeling but let’s see where our faith meets each other in the future. #StudyGoal
Day -🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 88 -91 | 06 Aug 21 | 10 Aug 21
In android we had session on Thread, Handler, Looper and Async task
- doInBackground()
- onPreExecute()
- onPostExecute()
- onProgressUpdate()
The method which is used in async task except for the doInBackground() which run in a background thread and in other methods it is used to run in the main thread. The next day, we did not have any lecture except the Alumni insights session with Aayushi Shah from the Apache batch. On Monday, I had the Unit III sprint -2 evaluation and there has been a big change in the mode of the exam. Earlier, we had to be present in the zoom meet until the exam is over under the different assigned IA from Masai School while sharing a screen of laptop and video of ourselves. But from now onwards we have to record ourselves from zoom turning the video on and sharing screen and share the recorded video on given assignments. As the no of students has been increased a lot in the last few months and it quite hard to manage all students at the same time. Let’s see how this change makes a difference in Masai School.
The DSA exam went very well, as I solved all problems and in the coding evaluation. I was able to solve the first question( 7 points) and the second one partially. The topics for this evaluation were
- View and Linearlayout
- Frame layout
- Relative Layout
- Common XML attribute
- Event listener
- Saving UI state
- Intent and Activity communication
- Intent filters
- Scroll View
- Constraint layout, Permission, and Shared Preference
- Recycler View, item clicks, Notify adapter
- Retrofit- (GET, POST)
- Parsing JSON to POJO using Gson
- Broadcast Receivers
- Fragment and lifecycle
- Transaction Methods, back stack behavior
- Fragment communication
Today, we learned about services and file operation.
If you want to perform long-running operations without any UI like playing music even if the app is not in the foreground, downloading a file, then we can use services.
Summary of Day- This week’s evaluation went really great and I am happy to keep up with the current pace of Masai school. I still have a little bit assignment pending which I will try to complete as soon as possible.
Day -🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 91 | 11 Aug 21
The day started with a scrum session, today’s scrum session was different from the other 90 days. For the first time, Nrupul did not take the scrum session at Masai School and Yogesh was the one who did it today. It was a short scrum session but on-point regarding goals.
We had a skillathon session where we studied tips for making learning from home more effective.
During android session, we studied about Intent Services.
Since the service runs in main thread by default, we can consider using JobIntentService/ Intent Service which runs in the background as adds performs the task one at a time.
- onCreate()
- onStart()
- onHandleIntent()
- onDestroy()
In IWY session, we solved the problem related to a music player in which we had to play, stop the music using intent services.
Summary of Day- I am so happy that after so many days, I was able to complete the IWY, normally assignment on the same given day. The quiz addition in the android session was really helpful for students and taking it daily helps a student to study properly with concentration. For the last few weeks, I was not able to give time to DSA other than Masai School, and due to which I was not able to solve all given problems in the DSA contest. #GrindStartedAgain
Day 91 -🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 92 -96 | 11 Aug 21 | 16 Aug 21
During this period of time, We learnt some of the important points regarding recursion and solved problems that was hard to do. Some of the problems are “the famous sum, Dr. Strange and Possibility, generate all parenthesis and subsequence”
You are given two numbers nand k. The number p iscreated by concatenating the string n k times.
we need to find thesuper digit ofthe integer p
We definesuperdigit of an integer pusing the following rules:
If p has only 1 digit, then itssuperdigit is 1.
Otherwise, thesuperdigit of p is equal to thesuperdigit of the sum of the digits of p.
At the end of week, we had session on Merge sorting.
Merge sort is a sorting technique based on divide and conquer technique. With worst-case time complexity being Ο(n log n), it is one of the most respected algorithms.
Merge sort first divides the array into equal halves and then combines them in a sorted manner.
Bounded service was the last topic included in Java android. A bound service is the server in a client-server interface. It allows components such as activities to bind to the service, send requests, receive responses, and perform interprocess communication.
On Monday, I had DSA Unit III Sprint III exam which did not go well. I was able to solve only one probelm out of three. I will try my best to cover it up in next sprint.
Summary of Day- We had last lecture on Android using Java at last friday and we will having a Kotlin lecture from Tuesday. Last week was good and I did quite well and perform very well throughout quiz and DSA contest but at the start of week, I was not able to perform very well in Sprint III evaluation. I had my birthday on 15 Aug 21 which went well and I enjoyed most of the day. I will try to cover up the topics, assignments which is still left to do.
Day 92 | 96 -🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 97 -101 | 17 Aug 21 | 21 Aug 21
I had a regular SCRUM session each day, in between some days. I was not able to attend the scrum session from the start so I will try to be on time from next week.
During the skillathon session, we had a session on blogs and the importance of a blog in the developer as well as an individual professional person. Another day we had a fun activity which includes “Guess the simple word?.” On Friday, we had the last lecture of the unit III skillathon. We also got one assignment to do which is
As part of the Unit 3 Skillathon Assessment, you will be asked to record a presentation on any of your Projects. You can choose any of the Projects that you worked on Unit 1 / Unit 2/Unit 3
In DSA, we learned about Quicksort, backtracking, and some of the known problems of backtracking such as the “N Queen problem and Sudoku Puzzle”
Quicksort is a divide and conquer algorithm. In a divide and conquer sorting algorithm the original data is separated into two parts “divide” which are individually sorted and “conquered” and then combined.
Backtracking is an improvement of the brute force approach. It systematically searches for a solution to a problem among all available options.
Finally, our android session started with Kotlin. On the first day, we had a session on “Introduction to Kotlin.” It includes topics ranging from variable, function, operator, conditional, loop statements, and collections. The next day, we had a session on the constructor and its type, class and object, and inheritance. The differnce between lateinit var and normal var. The next day, we had one of the most important sessions of Kotlin which includes “Scoping function”
- let
- run
- with
- also
- apply
I also got to know that the parent class of all classes in Kotlin is “Any Object”
On the last day, we had a session on the “Jet Pack Navigation component” and why we need navigation components. With this session, we had the last session with Lloyd.
Summary of Day- I learned a lot from him and I am so thankful that I got a chance to attend his lecture from the last three units. I submitted the skillathon assignments, I had to do several recordings before sending the final one. Let’s see how it goes !! I have a sprint IV evaluation on upcoming Monday. #KeepCoding
Day 97 | 101-🌟🌟🌟
Day 102 -108 | 21 Aug 21 | 30 Aug 21
We had a construct week and during this construct week, we had cloned mFine android application.
Team Members -
- Prabhakar
- Nishant
- Mausam(myself)
Summay of week -🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 109 -116 | 31 Aug 21 | 8 Sep 21
Our project got selected for final round presentation and we were happy about it. The project presentation was good but other team projects were better than us. We came 3rd overall.We will try our best to get more closer to win next construct week.
Binary search has been started in DSA, we had several DSA contest ranging from implementating binary search using iteration, recursion, search in sorted and rotated array, minimum and maximum in sorted and rotated array, square root of integer, such pair returns and quadratic equation. I had “Elective exam on Stack and Queue” which went very well.
The kotlin co-routines is complex to understand in the beginning but with practice it will become handy in nature. Suspend function and use of it according to different situations, use of dispatcher as well as coroutiens builder such as launch, async and run blocking. Dispatcher can be one of these
- Main- used to perform UI kind operations like main thread
- IO- optimized for IO like reading from network or disk
- Default- optimized for CPU intensive task such as calculation
Abhimanyu, Rohit and me had my first vaccination Covidshield dose at Mira Road, Mumbai. Due to which I was not able attend the android live lecture for the second time, last time I was not able to attend android lecture because of cyclone which happened in our city. I didn’t feel much after taking covid vaccination and I’m feeling good.
I was able to cover the introductory session on SQL Database. We studied about creating database, table, inserting into table, update, delete which is a part of CRUD operation. Android Sqlite was started day after introductory session, it was similar to Sql except the syntax chang because of Kotlin language.
- Structure way to store data
- to perfrom CRUD operation
I. Using Parametrized function
II. Using raw query such as rawQuery() or execSQL()
It also provide builtin method for insert, update, delete and read the data. The quiz is also going well. Apart from this, I am not able to complete the assignment and I have some pending assignment in Kotlin.
The skillathon session is going with the same pace and we are going through HR round question.
We have given six question to prepared and will have one on one session with assigned teacher. I was assigned to Mythri and I did average overall. The question were like this
- Introduce yourself / Tell me about yourself?- 🙂
- What are your strengths?- 🙂
- What are your weaknesses?- 🙂
- Why do you want to work for our company?- 🙁
- How did you hear about the position?- 🙁
- What are your career objectives? / Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?- 🙂
According to feedback given by Ma’am, I made the changes to my answer and resubmittted it.
Summary of Day- If you are having a good day then try to learn as much as you can, but if you are having a bad day then don’t give up, keep learning. You will eventually get to next level. #KeepCoding
Day- 116 - 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 117 | 09 Sep 21
The scrum session was as usual where we got our daily schedule. Yes, We didn’t have android session today, it will be shifted to Saturday. The skillathon session were interactive than usual because of fun activity which we were doing.
We had the “Linked List” session in DSA lecture. A linked list is a linear data structure, in which the elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations. The elements in a linked list are linked. We also had a DSA timed contest in which I was able to do 2/4
Summary of Day- It was not productive day, I am trying to modify the time table for study. I need to revise DSA and complete the android assignments as soon as possible. #LinkedList
It’s important to focus on one thing at a time.
Day- 117 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 118–120 | 10 Sep 21 | 13 Sep 21
The “Samurai” batch is doing very well in campus placement.
Sometimes scrum sessions used to be very informative regarding personal development rather than this, we used to get to know our daily study activity. Yogesh re-explained the 5'C
- Competence, Confidence
- Conviction
- Courage and Committment
We got to know the basic difference between array and linked list. The Linked List is easy in terms of theoretical understanding but opposite to implement in terms of code. Some questions which were quite different to implement are
- Insert, Delete node at specific position
We are studying the Kotlin Android with rapid speed. I think It will take quite time to adapt. After the completion of the SQLite Database, we are studying “Live Data”. Live Data is a part of the jetpack and due to this, data will be notified whenever there will be a change in data. Type of Live Data
- Live Data -Immutable
- Mutable Live Data
- Mediator Live Data
We also had a session regarding “Resume” where we got an overview of the resume. It includes how we should approach towards resume to make it. It is mandatory to include -
- A short Summary
- Internship/Work Experience
- Projects
- Education
- Certification/Courses
- Skills and Awards
Today, I had the Unit IV Sprint II Evaluation. It went well compared to the previous one. I got one mark in the DSA sprint I evaluation which was the worst performance for me at Masai School. In this current evaluation, I solved almost all problems in DSA and coding went quite well.
Summary of Day — “Believe in Yourself, Keep Moving Forward”
Day 120 - 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 121 | 14 Sep 21
Masai has announced that from the next batch student can attend the lecture(“Offline Class”) from campus which will be available in four cities in India. We got an overview of today’s session.
- 9:00 AM -SCRUM
- 9:30 AM -Skillathon
- 11:00 AM -Linked List DSA
- 12:15 PM -DSA Contest
- Pre-Recorded Lecture
- 3:00 PM -Room Database Android
- 6:35 PM -Tomorrow Pre-Recorded Lecture
Most probably, this week will be the last week of the skillathon session taken by Isha. We had a session on “Blog writing”. Linked List is really handy and useful in a real-life example. The PSC on some of the famous problems from Linked List such as “ Reverse linked list, Nth node from the end, Middle Node and Rotation by K”.
During the DSA contest, I was able to solve the 2/3 problem and the problem which I was not able to due to time constraints was “ merging two linked in sorted order”.
I got little time to watch the pre-class video on Room Database. So, I watched it with 2X speed. Room Database is
The Room persistence library creates and maintains database for you. The main components are DAO, Entities and Database
Summary of Day -I was able to complete the previous three assignments named as a content provider, task manager with live data. My friend and I studied after a long time with more than 100% concentration. The reason behind this was that he got a message from Masai Team that most of the assignments from this unit are pending.
You have to cherish things in a different way when you know the clock is ticking, you are under pressure.
Day 121 — 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 122 | 15 Sep 21
The day started with morning scrum session. Yogesh told us about “Enginners Day”
The skillathon session was taken by Isha and we had session on “text Anxiety”. It is totally true that most of people feel anxiety before any exam. Exam can be either interview or school/university test, presentation, meeting with client, etc. During DSA, Varun had taken session on Linked List. He explained problem like “Merge two sorted linked list, Palindrome list, Floyd cycle”. We had DSA contest on Linked List where I was able to solve 3/3 problem.
The Room Database session continued from last day where it was left. We learn about “update and delete” operation. We had two quiz on slido and went well for me.
Summary of Day- It took me more than 5 hours to solve “Money Manger Android Application” with room database and I can feel the advantage it give us over Sqlite. I am trying to be more concentrataed on coding as compared to DSA for this Unit. Let’s see how it goes !
“Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.” — Napoleon Hill
Day 122 -🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 123 -125 | 16 Sep 21 | 18 Sep 21
We had regular scrum session taken by Nrupul through we used to get daily work activities.
I think, last skillathon session was one of the best skillathon lecture I have ever attended in Masai School. My personal view is that if you want to do something in long run then you need to stay healthy.
I have faced a lot of problems and hault in my study. I was careless regarding my health and I faced the conscequence of not taking it seriously.
Most of students are comfortable with linked list and we also had PSC on “Add 1 to linked list”. The next topic was “Greedy Techniques”
A greedy algorithm, as the name suggests, always makes the choice that seems to be the best at that moment. This means that it makes a locally-optimal choice in the hope that this choice will lead to a globally-optimal solution.
We had DSA contest on it. Inspite of completing the syllabus for interview, students should get more time to spend on DSA. Due to coding and other activities, we hardly used to put our extra focus on DSA and it will bite us back in future. Let’s see how it will end, I am putting extra efforts and I hope you are putting as well. If you are not putitng extra efforts then we careful.
Guess what, We are finally having session on one of the famous Jetpack Compase “MVC, MVP and MVVM”. We watched the pre-recorded lecture and hardly able to understand so I did some research to know it better. We also had one more theory lecture on MVP and MVVM. Most of the quiz went well and some didn’t.
Summary of Day -I have learnt basic architecture patterns in android such as “Model View Controller, Model View Presenter and Model View ViewModel”. I was facinated with MVVM so I will definitely write the article about it with real life implementation and example.
Some days are better than others, but every day can be the best day of your life by giving thanks.
Day 125 -🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 125 -131 | 18 Sep 21 | 25 Sep 21
I had regular scrum sessions each morning. One of the new changes has been done in SCRUM. I can see that Nrupul is taking time to explain more about new companies as well as old ones. He is trying to give more information. I was following freshwork and Zoho from the start of this year and It feels too good. Freshworks made its debut in the US-based Nasdaq on September 22 and it is the first Indian SaaS company to do so.
We had a session on interval task scheduling algorithm, knapsack problem. During the DSA contest, I performed pretty well but also faced challenges in some of the questions such as “manage bricks, steal as much as you can”
During this week, I had a resume session, where I submitted the final draft of my resume. I used the deddy cv template as it covers the most of space on a single page. Google Drive Link
In android, We had a theoretical session on MVVM. We also got to see that the work done by Shivraj in the field of android. Some of his applications have crossed more than +1M users such as “ Music Player Free, BitClass-learn anything, Voice Recorder(beta)”. We learned about one of the important features of the Indian android market is offline capability as we used to face internet issues. Android injection and dagger are other important topics that we learned during this week. Some of the points
- Provider
- Consumer
- Connector
- Module
During last day of unit IV, we studied about Hilt and some of annotation such as
- HiltApplication
- HiltViewModel
- Providers
- Module
- Inject
Summary of Day- I have completed the “Money Manager Application” but I think I need a cool UI design which I will implemnets after my monday evaluation. It was a good learning experience to learn about MVVM.Our IA Sai got a placement from companies so he left Masai. Now, Sidhart is IA for AND-03 batch. During the weekends, I watched “family man” series.
“Main Desh Ke Liye Mar Sakta Hoon… Magar Politics Ke Liye Nahi Yaar”
“Privacy is a myth, just like democracy.”
Day 131 -🌟🌟🌟
Day 132–138 | 27 Sep 21 | 4 Oct 21
What a week it has been for me !! Before joining Masai School, I wanted to win the final construct unit project and popular choice application. Let me be honest, it was more tougher than what I thought. I have waited for this moments from very first day of joining at Masai School. Finally, on “04 October 2021” I did it. “Can’t expalin the happiness”
Our team Inferno along with UI/UX team
UI/UX Team
- Nandeesh
- Animesh
Developer Team
- Murali
- Prabhakar
- Mausam(me)
we cloned the Spotify android application and guess what?
We won the popular choice application and best project. I have so much to say but I am saving it for future myself to live in this moments.
Day 139 | Day 140 | 05 Oct 21| 06 Oct 21
We had unit V batch movement. Our batch has been divided into four groups.
- Alpha
- Bravo
- Charlie
- Delta
I am in bravo group along with other four memembers.
Our Industry mentor session will be starting soon by the end of week. We got a task to complete before the IM session that is to prepared well for mock interview.
Cheatseat for interview question
In android, we studied about “Data and view binding” and the importance of it with respect to findViewById(). I was amazed that my team ranking in NitroType has been decreased to 11K. So, I thought to increase it a little bit.
Summary of Day- I was working on my portfolio and added some of my projects. I will be releasing my portfolio link soon. I have started to prepare for industry mentor session.
Day 141 | 148 | 15 Oct 21
We had change in scrum timing session from 9:00 to 9:15 AM. We hardly had seen Yogesh during this week scrum session.
We had one challenge going through “Humans of Masai” Discord. We had to code for “7 days”. I was not able to complete the challenge(6 days) because of poor management of coding admin of discord. First of all, we got the porblem later night and that problem contest ended early as it begins. #NeedImprovement
Last week, I had one industry mentor session with Deep. I didn’t taken nap last three days to prepare for mentor session. It pays off when he said that “you nailed it”. I answered most of question but got stuck in one question which was to explain the difference between “encapsulation and abstraction with example”. I need to prepare for next mentor session with advanced topic of android.
In DSA, we had a revision going on “Array” which went for last 4 days.
During Android, we studied about “Diff Utils, Pagination and RxJava.” I am trying to get our team to high rank in Nitro Type.
Summary of Day- I am trying to revise the topics of DSA and android. I have pending assignements but instead of completing assignments, I am working on interview question to get a better understanding of topics of android. I am preparing for question from Mindorks
Day -🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 149 | 150 | 16 Oct 21 | 18 Oct 21
On Saturday, I was racing on Nitro Type to take our team to top 200 team in the world.
Today, I had Unit V Sprint II evaluation. It was neither good nor bad. I solved 2/3 question in DSA and implemented 3/4 features in Coding.
Hey, I got one good and bad news from Vivek Tiwari. First of all, bad news is that “ My assignments submission is less than 90%.” This is the first time at Masai School that I got something like this, The reason behind not doing assignment is due to family problems which I am going through and didn’t get enough time to do assignments in Unit V. Whenever I have the time then I used to prepare for Industry Mentor Session. The good news is that “ we got the form regrading the winning prize for previous Unit Construct week project.” In this form, we have to fill the name, student code, bank details, IFSC code, account number. This is required to send money directly to us.
Summary Of Day- The current evaluation was not upto my standards so I will try to do better in upcoming sprint. I need to balance my time between Masai and Family for few weeks. I will upload few apps on playstore in this week.
Day -🌟🌟🌟
Day 151 | 155 | 19 Oct 21| 23 Oct 21
I got the industry mentor session -I feedback, which are
The scrum session happend at each day around 9:15PM. We had session on Dagger, Hilt.
Dagger:-It provides fully static and compile-time dependencies addressing many of the development and performance issues that have reflection-based solutions.
Hilt:-reduces the boilerplate of doing manual dependency injection in your project. … Hilt is built on top of the popular DI library Dagger to benefit from the compile-time correctness, runtime performance, scalability, and Android Studio support that Dagger provides.
During DSA revision, we re-studied about stack. To be honest, Venu is one of the most humble DSA teacher in Masai School. I have solved some problem of the contest, after the end of Inudstry mentor session -II. I will complete the remainging problems.
I have IM session -II on 24 October 21. In this session, Deep can ask question related to these topics
- Basic of Kotlin
- Retrofit
- Permissions
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- Room Database
- Basic of Kotlin
- Coroutines
Summary of Day- My one eye got injured on friday during playing football game. Due to which, I have taken rest from last two days, as I am unable to open one eye for a long time. I am hoping to be little bit fine before IM session. I will definitely try my best to keep the momentum high and give correct response.
Day -🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 156 | 161 | 25 Oct 21 | 30 Oct 21
The DSA revision session came to end during this week. We revised binary search and got some important question to remember during interview
✨ Square root
✨ First occurence
✨ Last occurence
✨ Frequency
✨ Rotated sorted array and finding particular element
✨ Rotated sorted array and finding minimal element
✨ Ceil of number
✨ floor of number
✨ Finding a peak element
✨ Finding how many times array is rotated
Venu is one of the good DSA instructor at Masai School.
During this week, I went through some of the youtube video and blog to understand to about DSA interview.
❄ Asking clarifying question
❄ Saying assumption
❄ Explain your thoughts
❄ Say multiple approach — talk about time complexity and space complexity
❄ agree on one of approach
❄ think loud and say
❄ atleast dry run your code on one test case
❄ If you are late, mention the optimize approach
Android revision session started during this week as well. We had revised session on “String, StringBuilder, StringBuffer, OOPS(inheritence, polymorphism, abstraction and encapsulation) concepts, static and non-static, thread(join(), yeild(), sleep(), run(), start(), notify(), notifyAll(), deadlock, postDelay, etc), launch mode, activity and fragment”
At the end of week, I got the team for this construct week project. This is the first time in Masai School that construct week go for about two weeks. Actually, we had three-four days off due to Karnataka day and Diwali 🌠🌟 so instead of teaching for other days. We got construct week project earlier.
The team for this construct week is as follow -
My team name is “Coders” and team mates are
💫 Aman Mishra(UI/UX Designer)
💫 Umang Sharma
💫 Mausam(me)
💫 Mintu Kumar
Summary of Day- DSA revision has been completed and android basic revison is also completed. I have trying to revise the concept of DSA and learn something new in android. I attended the “Android Summit of 2021”, got a lot of insight about latest and upcoming update in android. I have started to work on construct week project and trying to complete it as soon as possible so that I can give more focus to DSA and android interview question prepartion. I also bought the book “Cracking the Coding Interview Book by Gayle Laakmann McDowell.” Inspite of beign in Bravo, I have started learning DP and BST. #KeepLearning
Day -🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 162 | 174 | 1 Nov 21 | 15 Nov 21
For first seven days, we have holiday and this is the second time that we got this much long holiday after Masai Lockdown holiday. On previous monday, I had DSA and Coding evaluation which went average. I uploaded one more application to playstore with the help of Rohit.
Aaj Ka News -Playstore Link
During this period of time, We had construct week. We work very hard to complete “Move On” project which is a idea given and designed by Aman
We faced a lot of challenges, lots of dicussion and modification in design based on implementation. At the end of week, We were able to implement the idea and made an android application.
Visit github page to see more -Move On
Summary of Day- I am happy that we were able to complete the project before deadline of construct week. During this week, we went through lot of coding issues, debug, error, sleepless night to resolve them. We will get a result for selection about final project from AND-03 Batch. Hope, The best project get selected and win the overall project. #GoodLuckToAll
Day -🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 175 | 182 | 16 Nov 21 | 23 Nov 21
The final construct week project and our project got selected for the final round presentation. #KudosToTeamMates
Unfortunately, we were not able to win the construct week. Unit V construct week was dominated by web batch.
I have published the application on playstore, please check it out once
For next few days, we have revision session on LinkedList. I think this was the last session taken by Venu. Lloyd had taken session on revising the basic concept of java, kotlin and android. For next few days, we went through topics such as
- Java, Strings, Collections
- Difference between abstraction and interface
- Thread vs Services and difference between it
- Scoping and extesion function
- How does kotlin work on android
- Difference between lateinit and lazy
- How do you ensure null safe and safe call
- Do we have a ternary operator in kotlin
- JVMStatic, JVMOverload, JVMField
- Differnce between final, finally and finalize
- Singleton and companion object
Later Shivraj had taken the session and coverd the revision topic such as
- Room Database
- Coroutines vs Thread
- Work Manger and Service
- MVVM, MVP and when to use which architecture
The message which we received from Masai regarding Hackathon
For the next 3 days you will be innovating and building in the MASAI HACKATHON.
Dates: 19,20,21 November
What is a hackathon?
A hackathon is an event, where programmers get together for a short period of time to collaborate on a project. The participants will work rapidly to achieve their task, as the event lasts for 3 days.THIS IS A COMPULSORY MAC EVENT.
What is the purpose of hackathon?
The purpose of a hackathon is a for a group of programmers to work together on a collaborative project. Most hackathons are competitions where several teams are competing to create prototypes that innovate on a theme or improve upon an existing project.What are the benefits?
Builds Teamwork, Leadership, communication
Add to your Portfolio
Create new concepts and ideas. Intense problem-solving environments like hackathons facilitate the creation of innovative ideas and concepts.
Product development. The main idea behind a hackathon is to identify a problem and work collaboratively to create technologies that solve that problem.
Networking: You never know if your MVP impresses someone or if what you create is so good that a hiring partner wants to know all about it. The possibilities are unending.
The most important aspect though would be to have fun and create something amazing.
The teams which participated from Android batch were
1 Trail Blazers 16:05
2 Falcons 16:12
3 Nilotic 16:19
4 HackOverFlow 16:26
5 Team Trekkers 16:33
6 Infinity 16:40
7 Pink Panther 16:47
8 Dominators 17:54
9 Force 17:02
10 Asian Bosses 17:09
11 Food Club 17:16
My team name is Nilotic which is related to name of “Masai.” There was a freedom to choose your team mates. First, I choose Abhimanyu and we thought that we will make a team of two people. But as we were getting request from other batch mates so we decided to include one members. The last members name is Murali. Final, teammates for hackathon were
- Abhimanyu
- Murali
- Mausam(me)
We come up with three to four ideas, but due to time constraints. We thought to work on idea which will take less time to implement and completed on time at the end of hackathon time. Here is our problem statment and idea for our hackathon
Problem Statement — Whenever we try to attend events like interviews, exams, marriage, trips, catching a flight, train. The most issue which people face is “not able to reach on time and missing out”
● We will get the information regarding the event and notify the user. The information which we will get includes starting point, destination point, name of event, description, date, and time of the event.
● Through the above information, we will notify the user which will help the user to reach the destination on time.
● We will handle the traffic-related issue and calculate the time required to reach the destination. Which will solve the problem of “not able to reach on time and missing out”
Problem Statement — People use task manager and used to note down the task which they want to complete. The problem is, very often people forgot to remember what task they have to do now.
Solution -
● Very often, people used to forget the task, which results in “not completing the task on time.” ● We will help to complete the task by notifying the user based on the user’s requirements.
Problem Statement — Not having the relationship between task and goal which they want to achieve. People often do task which is not related to achieving the goals.
Solution -
● We will map the task to the goal which will help the user to achieve the goals and be more productive. ● We will show the progress bar, status and predict whether you will be able to achieve your goals on time if you complete the task, the way you are doing it.
We were mostly awake during these hackathon time and were able to complete and implement the idea into android application. Here is the link of github repository Notify Github
We got the third rank in Hackathon 🎊🥳
We also had session with Nrupul regarding our future plans for android-03 and web-10 batch
I forget to tell that I am promoted to Delta batch with other two batchmates
- Abhimanyu and Sudarshan
Summary of Day — From last two weeks, I hardly taken any rest because I went through Hackathon to MAC exam, pramp session, triad, MAC contest and coderbyte session, etc. I am happy that I have promoted to Delta batch with abhimanyu. I have also submitted my final resume and portfolio to MAC team. I will try to utilize my time properly and acheive the goals for next few weeks. #KeepStudying and #KeepCoding
Day -🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Day 183 | 188 | 24 Nov 21 | 30 Nov 21
The routine for this week was to focus on DSA in morning, coding from afternoon to evening and extra activities in evening such as
DSA — 9:30 -1:00
Coding — 2:00–6:00
Triad/MAC — 7:00–9:00
This time contest was based on theme like one topic at a time.
- Arrays/Strings -24 Novemeber 21
- Map/Objects -25 Novemeber 21
- Stacks -26 Novemeber 21
- Recursion -27 Novemeber 21
- Sorting -29 Novemeber 21
- Sliding Window/Two Pointers -30 Novemeber 21
In android, we had one week android assignments but weren’t able to complete it. This was the question -
Scenario Cinema operators such as Cathay are one of the most popular merchants we have in ShopBack. We want to build an app to help our users discover movies easily.
- Create a standalone movie app with the following screens:
- Home screen with a list of available movies
- Ordered by release date
- Pull to refresh
- Load when scrolled to the bottom
- Each movie to include:
- Poster/Backdrop image
- Title
- Popularity
Detail screen Movie details with these additional details:
- Synopsis
- Genres
- Language
- Duration
- Book the movie (simulate the opening of this link in a web view)
Frontend Design
- It is up to you to design the UI.
Backend Use the API from TMDb as your data source
I had also one assignment which is related to “implmenting search and showing the suggestions.” I was able to complete it.
Summary of Day- I was better than previous week until Saturday. I had taken vaccine second dose on Saturday and I didn’t feel any illness symptoms that day. On Sunday, I played around 3–4 hours football with friends. Later on Monday, I feel pain and tiredness in my body and got high temperature(99.7C) fever. I am hoping to recover soon and do my best during placement( will starts at 13 December)
Day -🌟🌟🌟
Day 189 | Day 199 | 1 Dec 21 | 11 Dec 21
We are going through placement process. After having multiple zoom call with Masai placement team, we have got a list of companies which will visit at the first week starting from Monday.
Currently, I can’t say much because the placement process is under process and will start from Monday. I am revisiting the concept which I have studied so far.
Day -🌟🌟🌟🌟
The End :- In the first company which is Meesho, I got placed as SDE-I(Android) 🎉🎊🎉
- Whether I should Join?
→ Atleast you should give a try and decide on your own learning experience of Unit I. In General, Yes.
- What they will teach in just six months?
→ Android/Web Development
- Is it true that students are getting more than 5 LPA?
→ I didn’t believe it until I saw. Now, most of students are getting more than 7 LPA.
- How is this different from other online program or bootcamp?
→ Teacher, Mentor, IA and specially 9–9–6 or Military style study.
- Are teacher, mentor and IA qualified?
→ More than Qualified.
- Can I access the course material and assignments after graduating from Masai School?
→ Yes.
- How many people have completed the course and currently, where are they working?
- Can I talk with past students/Masai Alumni?
→ Yes
- Will Masai School help me in my career?
→ If you are willing to put efforts and be true to yourself then definitely “Big Yes”
Note —Masai School is good as compared to other but I’m trying and figuring it out by learning every day. Till now, It has been a good experience. The mentor, members of Masai school are better and supportive. I feel and suggest that you should try, study unitl Unit I and decide on your own.👏